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Once I heard her footsteps down the hall I took my blindfold off and blinked a few times, the sudden light after days of darkness was blinding. 

Jesus christ. 

Once my eyes stopped burning I slowly looked around. 

A plain bedroom, probably a guest room, not much to look at. No decorations on the wall, sparse of furniture just a bed, a corner desk, and a wardrobe.

Once I had fully adjusted I got up, moving around the room, not a single window or place to escape, just two doors and a closet. 

Great. I grabbed some clothes from the closet, sweatpants and a sweater, before rushing to the bathroom to take care of business and shimmy out of my dirty clothes. 

I can't do much with this sling on me, my arm doesn't hurt as bad as before but still really hard to move it without pain. Showering isn't going to go well so let's not even try that maybe my kidnapper can help with that. 

I carefully got dressed, slipping into her clothes and being entirely overwhelmed with her scent again made my mind go blank. Once I was ready to leave the bathroom I went back to the bed and sat down, fiddling with a loose string on the bedsheet. 

Has she killed someone before? 

I mean obviously she has, she basically implied that she accidentally killed someone and now they're... "gone" whatever that means. 

I wonder if they died in the closet. 

Wow imagine that I could've ended up like whoever this woman potentially hurt. 

Something about that makes me sad. 

Not me dying, just... this girl, my friend, my kidnapper, being left entirely alone in the world with no one to love. It's obvious she doesn't have any people in her life, I mean she wanted to be closer to me and her solution to this problem was not talk to me more often or anything she just went straight to kidnapping me and claiming me as hers. 

Then again that might just be a sign she's insane. 

"Close your eyes." A voice said through the door and I immediately squeezed my eyes shut, for a few seconds she waited until coming in, seeing I had my eyes closed she walked in, setting something down and putting my blindfold back on. 

"Good girl. Here let's get you comfy." She said, helping me sit back against the headboard and fixing my sling. "Later I'll help you shower. If you're comfortable with that of course and if not then.. then we'll figure it out." She offered, gently setting a pillow under my arm to prop it up. 

"I got you a few things, better sling for starters this one should fit you better and be more comfortable. Pain killers, nothing addictive or too strong, just Ibuprofen and Tylenol and a Hot and Cool gel. Also some things from home, your books and a pillow, oh and your Switch, Kate has your charging cord but I'll order one for you later tonight." She said, pulling the assorted items out of a bag and setting them on the bed. "And... well that's it. I couldn't take too much without Kate noticing." She hummed, shifting my legs and scooting closer to me. 

I nodded, shifting to rest fully on the headboard as she moved a bit closer and set the plate on my lap. "Thank you mommy." I said politely. "Of course babygirl. Here let mommy feed you, while we talk about somethings." She said, tapping my chin to prompt me to open my mouth before air planing a piece of food into my mouth. 

Part of me is annoyed I can't just feed myself, this is humiliating, but also can't help the butterflies that are spreading through me like a wildfire. 

"So let's start... well I guess with the blindfold. It's not at all about you. If that makes sense." She said, holding my jaw to help me as she fed me and watched every single movement. "...Not really." I answered after realizing she was waiting for an answer from me. 

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