Chapter 5

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Ronnie relieved me a few hours later and suggested that I get enough sleep before our trek. So I slept for a few hours while he and Azel prepped for the long walk.

Once I was awake, I helped Ronnie take down the tent and pack it away before starting the trek. Like before, the three of us were stuck hiking in the woods rather than on the main roads. We swapped stories to help pass the time. 

Ronnie had a twin brother who died from the virus and he survived it when he accidentally burned his bedroom, resulting in the death of his mother. His father turned him over to the PSFs. Ronnie escaped when one of the kids murdered the driver and a couple of the guards on the way to one of the camps resulting in flipping the bus on its side. Many of the kids, including Ronnie escaped and went their separate ways. He had somehow found out about East River from a group of other kids who had heard of it. According to Ronnie, a mysterious kid, who was supposedly an Orange had escaped custody several times and ran the haven. They all call him the Slip-Kid since no one knows his real identity.

Azel and I told Ronnie about our surviving the virus and uncovering our abilities and how our parents hid us and helped us maintain control of our capabilities. I had mentioned to Ronnie how scared I was when I discovered my Orange side when I wiped that one PSF's memory of seeing my brother and me and how I refused to touch any of my parents or Azel fearing that they would lose their memories. Mom cleverly had pictures of our family displayed in every room in the cabin and letters in case I accidentally wiped either of their memories. She assured me that there was no reason for me to fear erasing either of my family's memories. What I needed to do was trust and believe that whatever happened, my parents would always back me up.

I even told Ronnie how my other powers came around and how Hilary was able to find out further information. So far, there were no other kids like me with the same multiple abilities. Either they were being held in laboratories or killed in the camps. Like before, Ronnie promised me that no one would know about my multiplicity.

Soon, the sun was almost over the horizon, and Ronnie, Azel, and I came upon an open area. A black van was parked on the side of the road. The three of us watched from the distance in case there were adults nearby. However, everything was quiet. There were four kids seated next to it, under the shade of a tree having a small picnic. I remembered Mom's suggestion of finding more kids to join up with in safety numbers.

The three of us approached the kids. Two boys who were around my age and two girls who were younger than me, the youngest one was around twelve or younger. They all turned to us once we made our way toward them as the four were clearing up the picnic and loading themselves into the van.

"We're just like you," I assured the group of four.

"Yeah," Azel nodded, "We walked a long way."

"Who are all of you?" one of the boys with brown hair asked the three of us.

"I'm Ember," I replied and gestured at Azel, "This is my little brother Azel," I turned to Ronnie for a second, "And our friend, Ronnie."

"I'm Liam." He gestured for us to join them in the van, "This is Ruby," Liam turned to one of the girls with frizzy black hair and a red sweatshirt before pointing out the other boy with glasses, "And this is Chubs."

"Call me Charles," Chubs told us.

"Okay," I nodded.

"And there's Zu," Liam gestured at a small girl wearing yellow rubber gloves which told me she was a Gold.

"You guys have been in the woods?" Chubs asked noticing our attire which had dirt, small twigs, grass, and twigs.

"Yeah. We found them safer," Ronnie replied.

"We figured if we came upon other kids like us, we'd be safe in numbers," Azel added.

"It's true," I jumped in, "We're looking for a safe place called East River."

"You three should come with us," Liam suggested, "We're all searching for it and getting Ruby back to her parents on the way."

"Is that a good idea?" Chubs turned to him.

"Like they said, safe in numbers."

Liam had Ronnie, Azel, and I jump into the van. While he drove, Ruby sat up in the front while the three of us rode in the back with Chubs and Zu. I noticed Zu didn't speak at all. I could only guess she went through so much that it made her mute.

"So, where are you all from?" Chubs questioned us.

"Az and I are from West Virginia," I answered gesturing at my little brother and myself.

"Columbus myself," Ronnie replied, "Been wandering and hiding for six years."

"We just met yesterday," Azel gestured at Ronnie.

"You guys escaped from a camp?" Chubs wondered.

"I was close to being transported to one when the bus overturned and many of us escaped," Ronnie explained.

Azel and I gave each other nervous expressions. So far, Ronnie was cool with the fact that we never set foot in a camp. We weren't sure how Chubs and the others would react once we told them the truth.

"What about you two?" Chubs asked turning to Azel and me.

"Our parents, faked our deaths to avoid being easily traced," I replied bracing myself for being hated.

"That's pretty cool. They must've had guts to do so."

"I can imagine," Ruby spoke up softly.

"Your folks must've loved you guys a lot to do all that," Liam nodded.

Zu perked up at our explanation.

"They did. For six years, Em and I were kept in a secluded cabin in the woods," Azel explained, "We learned how to handle our powers. I helped Dad build booby traps around the place in case we were found out."

"The other night, a group of PSFs arrived at the cabin," I added still replaying the events in my head, "Mom had Az and I escape through a secret tunnel and told us to find other kids to stick with and as well as find our aunt."

"What happened to your parents?" Ruby wondered.

"They were killed after we got out. We heard the gunshots go off, which told us that they were dead already."

Zu scooted next to me and held my hand in a comforting manner. I gave her a small smile.

"I'm sorry for your loss," Chubs nodded sympathetically.

"Thanks, Charles. Someday, I plan to track down the men who killed my folks and make those involved pay for what they did."

Eventually, I found myself so tired from the lack of sleep and the long hike that I used my backpack as a pillow and fell asleep.

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