Chapter 11

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We rushed outside just as a couple of choppers hovered over the camp.

Azel! You and everyone else head into the woods and the lake! I thought hoping my brother got the link dreading the thought of him falling into the hands of the soldiers.

Our group reached the camp while a lot of the kids started running for the woods. Ronnie, Ben, Savannah, and Azel ran into us.

Noting the soldiers, I saw kids harnessed for a bit before being set loose like dogs. I detected that they were Reds, remembering the info Hilary had given me and Azel.

"Guys, head to the lake," I turned to my little brother worrying for his safety.

"I'm not leaving you," Ronnie told me just as Clancy made an appearance.

"You're the best one to keep everyone safe. Get as many of the others as you can."

"REDS!" Mike shouted from a far.

That second, the Red kids shot out fire like dragons, engulfing whatever was in the way in flames.

Seeing the soldiers rounding up several other kids with white noise firearms stirred up the same fury within me. I wasn't going to let them getaway.

"Get to the lake," I told the others as I started running.

"Ember!" Azel yelled, "Don't!"

I tapped into both my Orange and Blue sides and telekinetically yanked the weapons and commanded the soldiers to commit suicide. As the kids recovered, they turned to me in wonder making me realize that they had seen what I could do.

"Hide and get as far away as you can," I expressed wanting them to be safe.

All of the kids fled into the woods, avoiding the dead soldiers that lay before my feet. I saw Ruby confronting Clancy as they both used their Orange abilities on a few more soldiers. Sensing that she could take him on, I focused on finding the remaining kids still trapped.

Noticing the Reds, I tapped into my Orange side again hoping to reach into their minds and find themselves again as they were before.

You're free! I told them. Those people turned you into weapons. Go and live your lives as yourselves.

The Red kids glanced at me, nodded as if thanking me and dashed into the woods. I turned to locate the other remaining kids and tapped into my Gold side and sent out deadly electric shocks at the soldiers who attempted to round the kids up.

Ember, you and everyone get outta here fast! Ruby connected with me.

I nodded and guided the kids into the woods just as a chopper crashed on the ground and blew up completely destroying East River. 

I reached the lake to find Ruby along with an injured Chubs. Ronnie, Azel, Ben, and Savannah arrived at the same time as me.

"Everyone else is safe," Ronnie told me.

"What happened to him?" Savannah wondered in sympathy at Chubs.

It confirmed to me Chubs went back for Ruby just as the explosion happened and got burned while helping her get away. 

"You guys need to leave," Chubs told us weakly before passing out.

"No, we're not leaving you," I shook my head hoping he'd hear me.

I noticed Ruby held a circular device, which told me it was a tracker if pressed. I had a hunch that it was from the League. It gave me the feeling that Azel and I were one step closer to reuniting with Hilary. Plus, Chubs would get the medical help he needed for his burns.

Ruby pressed the tracker and a red light turned on.

"We'll see Aunt Hil for sure," Azel nodded.

"I hope so," I agreed, "She's the only one we can trust and possibly right-minded folks with the League." 

I remembered Liam's disdain for the League. Whatever they tried to do to him, Azel, our friends, and I would remain cautious. 

As dawn peaked over, Chubs was still unconscious. I had pulled off my jacket for him to use as a blanket for extra warmth. Ruby had Chub's head resting on his lap for most of the night. Ronnie and Ben had spent the entire time watching over the rest of us and checking to make sure we weren't discovered by the soldiers. Azel and Savannah were sleeping despite the events. 

"Ruby!" Liam shouted as he ran over to our group, "I knew you were okay." He hugged her.

Ronnie and Ben joined us and Azel and Savannah woke up.

"Liam, you have to get outta here right now," she informed him.

"Oh, Jesus." He turned to the unconscious Chubs, "I'll grab his legs." 

"Liam. He needs a hospital."

"Yeah, we'll find one, a vet, somebody. C'mon!"

He urged the rest of us to get moving.

"Liam, we can't fix this," Ruby added sounding emotional, "I called someone who can."

He stood up as he gave her an expression that spelled dread, "The League? No, Ruby."

"'The enemy of my enemy.'" 

"You don't know what they're like."

"You have to get outta here. The League is coming, and they don't trust you. They won't take you back.

Liam sighed and approached Ruby and Chubs, "I'm staying.

"Please, Liam, you have to go," Ruby pleaded.

"No. We're family, remember? I'm not leaving you."

"I can talk with my aunt once we see her," I told Liam, "Hilary's good at convincing people. She can vouch for you."

"Thanks, Em," he nodded at me, "I won't leave you guys."

A few vehicles approached a few feet from us. A few men holding firearms got out along with two women. One of them with strawberry blonde hair who I immediately recognized as Hilary. The other woman gestured a hand at the armed me to lower their weapons as she approached Ruby.

"Ember! Azel!" Hilary ran over to my brother and me and at once pulled us into a hug, "You're all safe now." She cried in relief.

I could tell she spent a lot of her energy to find us.

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