Chapter 6

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A hand gently shook me awake. I opened my eyes to find Zu and Azel leaning over me. I noticed we had stopped somewhere and it was already dark outside.

"We're at a hotel," Azel informed me, "Liam managed to get all of us a room. Now we can finally get a shower."

I grabbed my backpack and got out with Azel and Zu. As we made our way to the room, I saw that the parking lot was eerily quiet despite there being a few cars parked. It had been years since my brother and I had been in civilized areas. Still, I felt the need to take everything with caution.

I let Ruby use the shower first after getting settled in the room. Ronnie, Azel, and I set up our sleeping bags on the floor. After we were done, I used a wet washcloth to wipe my face and neck while waiting for a turn in the shower. From noticing Ruby's behavior, I could tell something had happened to her and that she was carrying a huge secret.

Liam and Chubs had asked Ronnie, Azel, and me about our color categories. They were all cool with Ronnie being a Red since there weren't many of them of that category who had managed to escape. The guys thought Azel was also cool on knowing they had another Green in the group. I only told them that I was a Blue, not sure how everyone would take to me having multiple powers. So far, they were chill with me. I learned Chubs was a Green since he was the genius in the group and Liam was a Blue. I also learned Ruby was Green. Though, however, I could sense it was something else.

After Ruby was done in the shower, I had my turn. It felt good once the dirt and grime were off of me. Back at the cabin, we had running water, but we had to conserve during the summer months of how much water we used. We collected river water, boiled it, and preserved the clean water in jugs in case of a drought or if the water stopped running suddenly.

During the night, I heard Zu wake up. I could tell she had a nightmare about something. Ruby too woke up on sensing her. Liam got up once he heard Zu and hugged her with a comforting expression. I could tell she had a flashback of something horrific which may have resulted in her muteness. After Liam went back to bed, which was on the floor next to Chubs, Ruby asked Zu if she was alright and the young girl nodded in reply. I gave both Ruby and Zu a comforting smile before falling back to sleep.

When morning came around, I saw Zu give Ruby a red dress to wear. I found it adorable of her. As I was rolling up my sleeping bag, I saw Zu clip something on my backpack zipper. I noticed it was a red glittering heart.

"Thanks, Zu," I nodded at her finding it extremely thoughtful of her.

"She likes you too," Chubs remarked as he came out of the bathroom and Zu went in there for her turn, "She's happy that she's not the only girl in the group."

"I can imagine."

"Em's more of a tomboy," Azel spoke up as he zipped his backpack shut, "Not much into sparkly things."

"That's cool," Ronnie smiled, "I dig tomboys."

"That's me. Not afraid to get my hands dirty," I nodded.

"Awesome," Chubs grinned.

Once we were on the road, Liam and Ruby informed us of their near encounter with a couple of Tracers who had suddenly left. Chubs was helping Zu with her math skills. Ronnie and Azel were playing a card game. I looked over the map Chubs had out trying to figure out where we were.

"And now the president's son Clancy Gray, with his message of hope," the radio announcer spoke.

"If I can be cured, you can be cured," Clancy's voice spoke up through the speakers.

I've heard the same recording all over the radio stations over the years. Dad used the radio for any updates since television didn't do much, but played reruns of old-time TV series. We only used the TV for playing DVDs, mainly movies. I got tired of hearing the same quote over and over.

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