Chapter 2

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A couple of nights later, Azel and I were suddenly awoken by Mom.

"Kids!" she whispered in a warning manner, "Get dressed and your stuff!"

"Mom, what's going on?" I asked rising out of bed.

"The PSFs. I don't know how they figured out we were hiding you two."

"I thought I secured the Internet carefully," Azel gaped in shock.

"You did sweetie," Mom turned to him with an assured look.

"You saying that those PSF bastards showed up here?" I asked.

"Yes, Ember. Your father's distracting them."

"Did they set off the traps?" Azel asked as he stood up, "We would've heard them."

"One of them went off, which likely alerted those soldiers," Mom answered.

So Azel and I quickly got dressed. I slipped on a pair of jeans, a mid-sleeved shirt, a plaid shirt, and a pair of combat boots. Both of us grabbed our go-packs, which were our backpacks that had a couple of sets of clothing, food, medicine, money, and some of our things that were easy to pack and carry with us. Mom and Dad had instructed Azel and me to have a bag ready to go in case we had to evacuate the cabin.

"Mom, what about you and Dad?" Azel asked with a worried look.

"Are you guys coming with us?" I asked.

"It'll be just you two," Mom replied with a sad look and hugged us both, "Take care of each other and stay away from the main roads. Hide in the woods if you have to. Find Hilary and look for other kids who may have escaped from the camps and stay with them. I love you both so much."

"We love you too Mom," my voice cracked as I felt my eyes water.

"Ember, you're in charge. Azel, listen and do what she says."

Both Azel and I nodded. I was surprised Azel didn't complain since most younger siblings don't like being controlled by their older siblings. But with having to go on the run from government officials who targeted enhanced kids, it was all necessary.

"Now go. And be careful," Mom opened a secret door on the floor.

Some years ago, Dad uncovered a secret tunnel under the cabin floor and it went out into the woods. He used that as an emergency escape plan. Azel and I had been in it a few times and we'd have practice drills in case the PSFs found out our parents were hiding us.

Both Azel and I climbed into the tunnel. Before entering, I held Mom's hand, worrying that it would be the last time I'd see and touch her again. Next thing, there was hollering going on.


"Go," Mom nudged me, "Take care of Azel."

I nodded and entered the tunnel. I glanced up and saw her close the hidden door and then nudged Azel to move faster. I held out a hand and concentrated and it engulfed in flames since it was pitch black in the tunnel.

Soon, we made it out into the woods. Suddenly, there was the sound of gunshots fired inside the cabin. Time and everything else seemed to stop at that moment. Azel and I turned once we heard the noise. It suddenly confirmed to us that our parents had been shot and were already dead. Both of us glanced at each other. The only thing we could do was to run and hide.

Somewhere in the back of my mind, I swore to myself that I would one day hunt down the PSFs who broke into the cabin and make them pay with their lives.

We wound up running deep into the woods and stopped to rest in an overgrown trench.

"I can't believe they're gone," Azel sobbed softly.

"I know," I nodded sadly as I pulled him into a hug, "They sacrificed so much for us. They defied an order to hand us over because they loved you and me so much."

"Yeah. It didn't matter to them if we got our powers."

"Nope. No matter how dangerous our abilities seemed, Mom and Dad were willing to work with it."

"Ember, where will we go now since we can't go back to the cabin?"

"I'm not sure. Probably live in the woods and learn to hunt like Grandpa did, and at the same time, find other kids who escaped the camps."

"What about a sanctuary for kids like us where the PSFs can't find us?"

"Sounds good to me."

Azel and I dozed off to sleep, though I kept an eye out and listened for any movement, in case the PSFs traced us. However, all I heard were nocturnal woodland animals. 

When dawn came around, Azel and I continued walking and sticking into the woods.

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