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My parents kept me home from school. There had been a death there of a couple of students my age. I had gone a couple of days earlier and saw one student in my class die right in front of me. It was one of those moments and scenes that would be ingrained in my brain for the rest of my life.

Many news reports were bringing up the death toll in many children caused by a virus called Idiopathic AdoleNeurodegenerationdegeneration or I.A.A.N for short. It affected kids from ages eight to twelve. Those who survived the virus developed strange capabilities that were rendered dangerous. The government issued an order that every child displaying any abilities should be turned in.

"Mom?" I asked as she was cooking dinner while I helped set the table.

"Yes Em?" she replied.

"Are you and Dad gonna turn Azel and me in?"

Since hearing the order, I feared being forced from home like any twelve-year-old. Mom set the burner on medium-high, went over, and pulled me into a hug.

"No sweetie. Even if you both develop anything, your father and I are going to be with you every step of the way. We'll hide you two if that day ever came," she said.

I felt a bit better after hearing her words. Still, the feeling of dread was there. Mom then pulled out a container of Ben and Jerry's Phish Food from the freezer and handed it to me.

"Just this one time," she smiled, "Don't tell Azel."

"I won't," I shook my head, pulled out a spoon and mug, and helped myself to a few scoops so I wouldn't spoil my dinner.

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