Chapter 3

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After a while of walking, Azel and I stopped to rest by a small creek. We ate some dried fruit and jerky that we had packed with us. Both of us had food and water that would only last us a couple of days. I knew that we'd have to find an abandoned gas station or mini-mart and scavenge for food and other necessities. However, we'd have to be extra careful since looters were likely to be around in those places.

According to Mom and Dad, the economy fell apart since the kids were placed in the camps. Dad had mentioned that he came across an abandoned mini-mart and went inside it and found a few necessities, but didn't stick around for very long thinking he'd run into some desperate armed person who'd demand what he had on him. That told me that I'd keep my guard up and use my abilities if I had to.

I pulled out a map and compass from my backpack. Both Mom and Dad taught Azel and me how to read both a compass and map if Azel and I wound up on our own.

"Which way do we go?" Azel asked as he glimpsed at the map.

I checked the compass as the arrow pointed to the Northeast.

"We head northeast," I replied, "There should be a town or something where we can grab a few more foodstuffs."

Azel nodded and both of us gathered our bags and trekked through the woods.

I looked down at my right arm noticing my charm bracelet which had various keyrings with a few stars, sparrows, and a heart. It originally belonged to Mandy. Sparrows were her favorite type of bird and always drew stars and hearts on her schoolwork. I gave her the bracelet a year before the outbreak. I had gone to a craft store and used up my allowance to get the chain, hook, and charms and put it all together. After Mandy died from the I.A.A.N virus, Hilary gave me back the bracelet even though I insisted that she keep it in remembrance of her. I've been wearing it ever since to remember my cousin who also was my best friend.

The day we found out about Mandy's death affected me deeply like it had to Hilary. There were times I wondered what it would've been like if my cousin survived the virus.

"Em?" Azel spoke up breaking me out of my thoughts, "You ok?"

"Yeah Az," I nodded, "Just thought about Mandy."

My little brother gave me a sympathetic expression. He also enjoyed Mandy's company and was saddened by her death.

"If she lived, what color category would she have been?" Azel asked.

"I don't think it matters. Though she was extremely smart, then maybe like you, " I replied.

Azel gave me a half smile, "Probably. I think she would've been like you as well sis."

I smiled back at him.

Eventually, a small gas station and mini-mart came into view. It looked like hadn't been in business for a while. Azel and I would have to keep our guard up in case we ran into someone inside.

"Okay bro, we grab what can carry in our bags. Food and anything useful," I suggested as we hiked down a hill and ran towards the gas station.

"Right. And we get ready to run if there's anyone who's a threat to us," Azel nodded.

I nodded at him and slowly pushed open the door and both of us entered inside.

Azel and I split up but had eyes on each other as we went through the isles finding random snacks, first aid supplies, and small tools.

I unclipped my thermos from my backpack and filled it with ice-cold water from the fridge section where there had been various sodas, beer, and alcoholic beverages. I made sure Azel had water in his thermos.

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