Chapter 1: Daphne

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On one late night within the kingdom of Atlas, in the Blake family manor, the youngest of the six children of the Blake couple living in the mansion, in her room, Daphne was practicing a dance routine, and humming and singing too.

"Gotta make sure I stay proper and ready for the play." Daphne thought while practicing the dance routine. "Also, I hope I get accepted to Beacon. Could use a good change in scenery for a bit."

Daphne was a young teen female with orange hair down to her shoulders a purple shoulderless dress with purple straps, gold lining on the edges, a purple hairband, emerald green eyes, a lime green scarf, black external sleeves with gold edges on the end that goes over her elbow, a pair of black leg high socks, a pair of purple gogo boots.

On her wall was her weapon, a machine known as Damsel. What it was at first glance was some sort of chainsaw. But the front end looked like it could pop out a gun barrel with the push of a button.

When Daphne finished practicing her dance routine, she stepped out onto her balcony, taking a deep breath, looking at the view she had. Atlas was as white as the snow falling over the kingdom. This was the same view Daphne's had for 90% of her life.

It was a beautiful view, it really was. But seeing only this view for her whole life was seeming to get a bit, well, stale for Daphne. As she sat down on her balcony table and took a sip from a cup of tea she had made earlier, she sighed.

"Going to Beacon should be a nice change of pace, heard Vale has some beautiful scenery, too." Daphne thought

Then, in the halls of the manor, the family butler, Jenkins, walked up to the door of Daphne's room and knocked.

"Coming." Daphne said, setting her tea down

Daphne got up and walked over to her room's door and opened it.

"Hey, Jenkins." Daphne comments

"Miss Daphne, the mail has come in, and there's a letter addressed to you." the family butler said, handing her the letter

"Well, thanks for letting me know." Daphne said, smiling

Jenkins nodded before walking off as Daphne closed the door to her room before looking at the letter. It was directly from the headmaster of Beacon Academy. In a bit of a rush, she opened the letter and pulled it out to read it. The letter read as follows:

'Dear Daphne Blake,
      I and the rest of Beacon Academy faculty have reviewed your application letter to this school and have come to a conclusion on whether or not to accept you into the school for the upcoming year's batch of new students.
      After careful consideration and reviewing everything you had sent in with the application letter, we have decided to accept you as a student of the Beacon Huntsman and Huntress training academy.
      Please do come with all things specified in the list on the back of this letter. And upon your arrival, things will begin shortly. So before the inhiation, be sure to go around and get to know the students. You never know when you might make a group of unlikely friends here. And you never know when you'll need their help.

Beacon Headmaster Ozpin'

Daphne was ecstatic. Not only was she gonna be heading to Vale for a play she was casted in, but she'd be able to go and attend one of the four training academies for Huntsmen and Huntresses, and one of the ones that was the hardest to get into!

"Yes!" Daphne triumphantly said

Daphne began packing things for the inevitable trip to Vale. Stuff for her play casted role, and various things for Beacon. That's when her mother, Viola, looked in.

"Daphne, sweetie, why you in a rush?" Viola asks

"Sorry, mom, it's just remember how I applied for becoming a student at Beacon last month when they were holding applications??" Daphne asks, getting a nod form her mother as Daphne got her weapon down from the wall and into it's case. "Well, my application got accepted! So naturally, i'm a bit excited."

"Congrats, sweetie!" Viola comments, hugging her daughter after she was done packing everything she needed. "But are you sure you wanna do this? You'll be away from Atlas for a while."

"I'm sure, mom." Daphne said. "I could always video call and all that. And besides, I could always visit in-between semesters."

" a very fair point." Viola stated

Daphne made sure she put on her jacket and cold weather hat before heading for the door where, after being told, a car was waiting for Daphne to take her to the airport where she could take a private jet to Vale.

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