Chapter 2: Velma

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On a decently bright yet not super hot day in a city in the kingdom of Mistral, a young teen female was in her room, coding something on her computer, and the coding seemed incredibly advanced for such a young person.

"Jinkies, that's it!" she exclaimed

She hit the enter button on her laptop's keyboard and when everything was done, she picked up an advanced glove that looked like something out of a sci fi movie. It had a little keyboard on it, the fingers had ends on it that looked like they could more easily interact with holographic keyboards, all around the thing just seemed incredibly advanced.

"I've done it." she said, closing her laptop and putting it in her bag

She then put the glove on to try it on and with a push of one of the buttons, it created a small holographic screen connected to her scroll. She then proceeds to call her father, Casus. Who was currently doing work at Haven Academy.

"Hey, Velma, something you wanna tell me?" Casus asks, writing some things down on some papers

"Didn't mean to interrupt your work, dad." Velma said, chuckling a little

Velma was a young female teen, wearing orange knee high socks, red shoes, an orange zip up turtleneck jacket, white long sleeved shirt, a pair of thin framed rectangular glasses, a pair of goggles, and blue eyes as well as a glove matching the one she had just finished modifying as well as a pair of goggles of some kind.

"It's all fine, V." Casus says, chuckling a little. "Well, what's this about, my brilliant daughter?"

"Well, you know that old pair of gloves you and mom gave me when wanting to get rid of them, leading to you giving them to me?" Velma asks. "Well, just finished modifying the one for my right hand. In fact, that's how i'm calling you. Among the many capabilities it now has, it can call people I have on my scroll contact list without needing to pully scroll out should I ever mis place it."

"That's great, Velm." Casus stated before he was heard talking to someone else on his end

Velma looked out the window of her room. Then, she heard a knock at the door and went to answer it after putting her dad on hold for a moment. At the door was none other than Ozpin, the headmaster of beacon Academy.

Ozpin is a middle-aged man with tousled silver hair and thin brown eyes. He has a light complexion and sharp facial features. Interestingly, he has black eyebrows, implying that at some point in the past, he had black hair

He wears shaded glass spectacles and a small, purple, cross-shaped pin on the cowl around his neck. His outfit mainly consists of an unzipped black suit over a dark green, buttoned vest and green shirt. He also wears black trouser shoes and long, dark-green pants.

"Hello, Velma." Ozpin spoke

"Oh! Didn't expect you of all people here, sir." Velma comments

"Well, everyone has their surprises." Ozpin responds. "Is your father home?"

"No. Not at the moment." Velma comments. "In fact, I actually have him on hold on a call. He's sorta busy with some work over at Haven."

"I see. He always seems to be quite the busy man." Ozpin responded, straightening up his glasses. "Is your mother home at the least?"

"Yeah. Give me a moment." Velma says, closing the door for a moment

Velma then took her father off hold.

"Daddaddaddaddad, you're not gonna beleive this!" Velma said, trying to keep her cool as she headed to the kitchen

"What is it,, sweetie?" Casus asks

"Ozpin, THE FREAKIN HEADMASTER OF BEACON ACADEMY jsut showed up at the house." Velma comments, taking a deep breath

Casus wa ssilent for a moment before remembering something.

"Oh! Right! You applied for going to Beacon! Sorry I forgot, work here's been so busy lately." Casus responds. "Well, better let your mother know and all that."

"That's what i'm heading to do at this very moment." Velma comments

"Well, I gotta go now. Talk to you later, Velmster." Casus says. "Love you."

"Love you too, dad." Velma responds. "Bye."

Velma hung up then went up to her mother, who was prepping tea. Auranti, Velma's mother basically just looked like an older version of Velma with longer hair and no glasses or goggles. And a more casual outfit.

"Mom-" Velma starts

"Heard it all already, sweetheart." Auranti responds with a smile as she gathered some cups. "Headmaster of beacon, Ozpin, is here. Go ahead and let him inside so things can get discussed over some good tea."

Later, when Ozpin had been brought inside, they sat at a table, each of them having a cup of tea Velma's mother had prepared.

"Mrs. Dinkley, Velma, I come here with some news." Ozpin said, sipping from his tea. "About the entrance exam Velma took for my school."

"Gonna take a quick guess." Auranti comments, sipping her tea. "She managed to pass."

"indeed." Ozpin comments as Velma managed to have to hide how big of a smile she had. "And with one of the highest scores the school has seen."

Velma was just barely managing to contain her excitement. Despite being 15, she was INCREDIBLY smart for her age and all that.

"So I would like to see her able to make it to the batch of students to be brought to Beacon grounds next week when everything is all gathered up since that's when things are supposed to be flown over to Beacon." Ozpin stated

"I'll be sure to try to get there on time." Velma said, taking a deep breath

"Wouldn't expect anything less than you trying your hardest to." Ozpin said, standing up after finishing his tea. "Now, if you don't mind, I do have other matters to attend to."

Ozpin then stepped out but before closing the door, he looked back at Velma.

"And Velma, congratulations on the test." Ozpin stated

Ozpin then closed the door gently before walking off.

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