Chapter 3: Fred

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The next day, in the Jones family household in the kingdom of Atlas, Fred was busy making the final adjustments to his crossbow based weapon, which he had named Trapunto. It was some sort of crossbow-like weapon that looked like it's designed to shoot out a net or any other form of ammunition that could get loaded into it.

"Almost done." Fred comments

Fred then finished tightly screwing on the aiming scope for the weapon and stepped back, that way he could properly take in the work he did. The weapon was put into it's idle mode which managed to somehow turn it into a flashlight which he picked up and holstered on his belt.

Fred was a young Caucasian male teen with blonde hair, and he wears some dark brown combat boots, blue jeans, a large orange cloth around his waist helped to be kept on by his belt, a white military like jacket with blue accents and blue shoulder tops and gold buttons, he has blue eyes, and wears an orange ascot.

"There. All done with that. And all the ammo is ready to go for the test firing at the firing range." Fred stated

Then, Fred's computer began playing a noise that indicated he was getting a video call, which startled him a little, but not too much. So, he took a deep breath, put the video up on his projector and connected his camera to the camera he had mounted on his room's wall, got into position, and got into a proper pose. When the video call started, it was one where two were calling him. Ozpin and General Ironwood.

"General." Fred said to Ironwood. "Mr. Ozpin."

"Easy there, Fred." Ironwood said. "You don't need to be doing that here."

"I'm well aware. I've just done it for so long that it feels more natural." Fred responded. "If you do not mind me asking, just what is the intent of this call?"

"It is about your Beacon entry exam results." Ironwood stated. "Still don't know why you chose there instead of the academy here."

Fred sighed.

"I explained this to you before, general." Fred states, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I don't want to join the military from that academy. I'm more into sports than military. Just because I've got skills that'd make me eligible for the military doesn't mean I want to join. I explained that to you directly in the video call that we had before I took the test. And I get my family has this huuge reputation of male members joining the military but I don't want to be limited to just that in life. I want more freedom with my life path."

Ironwood was silent, letting Fred speak his mind.

"And my dad was well aware of this before I even had the concept in my head of taking Beacon's entry exam." Fred stated. "Now, please, I can hear my parents finishing setting up dinner. Can you please get to the results of the exam?"

"Right." Ozpin said, fixing his glasses up. "Fredrick Jones-"

"Please, sir, just call me Fred." Fred stated

"Sorry." Ozpin said. "Anyways, it is with much gratitude that I inform you you aced the test with a perfect 100%."

Fred smiled.

"I can see on your belt you have an idle mode weapon ready to go." Ozpin points out. "The day of going to Beacon's facilities is coming up. You'll want to at least head for Vale tomorrow."

"Yes, sir." Fred responds, nodding

When the video call ended, Fred triumphantly thrusted a fist into the air. Then, he headed downstairs where his family just finished setting up dinner. When Fred sat down, he took a deep breath as he began eating.

"So how'd it go?" Mrs. Jones asks

"It went fine, mom." Fred responds. "Just......had to re explain to Ironwood why I chose to go to beacon instead of the academy here in Atlas."

"I swear, sometimes it's like that man forgets things people tell him for things like that." Mr. Jones comments, taking a sip form his cup of coffee

"I know, right?" Fred comments. "Anyways, I had been accepted into Beacon."

"Congrats, big bro!" Fred's younger brother, Flava, said, smiling

"Yeah, guess all that luck you wished for really did help out, Flava." Fred responds. "Got a perfect 100% on the exam."

Fred set his fork down and sighed.

"Not sure how long I'll be gone form home, though." Fred comments. "I'm mostly worried about you, Flava. You still don't have a weapon of your own yet and all that."

"Don't worry about me, Fred." Flava says. "I'll try to be as brave as you!"

Fred smiled.

"And while at Beacon, Fred, be sure to send us any form of letters and pictures you can." Mr. Jones said

"I will, dad." Fred said, chuckling a little

Fred smiled as the family continued having their dinner.

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