Chapter 10: The trapping of the Black Reaper of Beacon

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That night, Fred would be up, not only studying for classes, but also drawing things on a dry erase board in the dorm room. Some sort of huge mechanism meant for something. Fred sighed, slamming his head on the table.

"Shouldn't've tried to do both drawing this thing up and studying at the same time...." Fred mumbled

Daphne looked over from her bed, raising an eyebrow. She looked up from her play script that came in the mail as, lucky for her, the play was to be hosted in the Beacon amphitheater.

"Freddy, what's the issue?" Daphne asks, setting the script down

"Nothing, it's just...." Fred comments, sighing. "I chose to study for the night as well as try to design a trap for that ghost."

Daphne looked at the whiteboard.

"Hm." Daphne hummed in thought. "Maybe have it we trap it with one of your bow's net arrows and not one of these overly complicated things? It being overly complicated could be why you're having such a hard time with designing it."

Fred took a look at the whiteboard drawing of the trap. It was....incredibly complicated.

"You know it'd probably be quicker of that was how it gets done." Fred says

Daphne smiled.

"Also, hey...if you need help with the studying, don't be afraid to ask me." Daphne comments. "I'd love to help you study."

"I appreciate the offer, but you also have your own thing to worry about with the play and all that." Fred says

Daphne put a hand on Fred's.

"I'm willing to put the play to the side. Plus, I've been practicing things for it since before I got accepted into beacon. I'll be fine with taking one day away from reading over the script." Daphne says. "I just don't want you staying up so late you end up with sleep issues. I'm offering my help not as a teammate, but as a friend."

Fred looked at her.

"Your health is really important." Daphne says

Fred sighed and set his pencil down.

"Yeah, you're right." Fred says, standing up. "I just really do not wanna let my little brother down. He looks up to me."

"I'm sure you won't." Daphne says, looking at the time. "Come on, let's get to bed. Our brains are gonna need to be at full power tomorrow. Not only for figuring out the ghost, but to handle the classes as well."

"Goodnight, Daphne." Fred says

"Goodnight, Fred." Daphne says, laying down on her bed and falling asleep

Fred looked at all the books he was just trying to study. Then, at his papers he just wrote a lot of stuff down on. After a bit of debating, Fred shook his head and closed all the books. Then, he went and lays down on his bed, looking up at the ceiling.

"I promise, Flava, I won't let you down...." Fred thought with a smile before going to sleep

The next day, when everyone was up and in their school uniforms, Fred was making sure he had all his net arrows ready to go as well as possibly ice dust to stick the ghost in place to prevent escape.

Scooby got up, stretched, and yawned.

"Okay, team, today is the day we put an end to that freaky phantom." Fred comments

"Like, about time." Shaggy comments. "What's the plan anyways?"

"I'll explain what Daphne and I came up with last night during lunch." Fred says. "We got classes to worry about right now."

"Fred's right." Velma comments. "We have a few classes we'll have to do before reaching lunch before anything can be detailed."

Daphne made sure her weapon was properly loaded in case Fred's ice Dust arrows were to fail. Then, they headed out of the dorm room, Scooby actually deciding to stay behind willingly that way not only could things in the dorm room be kept up possibly, but he still needed a bit more nap time.

However, before he left, Shaggy reached into his bag.

"Here, ol pal." Shaggy says, pulling out a bag of what looked like vanilla wafers. "Here's some freshly baked Scooby Snacks for ya to munch on if you get hungry."

Scooby smiled. Later, after a couple classes and Fred had explained the trap plan, Shaggy was looking around the beacon courtyard, looking for the ghost.

"Man, I don't know why I agreed to be the bait." Shaggy comments quietly to himself

Shaggy looked around.

"Ghostie, ghostie, ghostie, where you at, man?" Shaggy comments, having out the bag of Dust the ghost was after earlier. "I got that Dust you seemed to be after so badly."

People were watching as Shaggy continued walking around the courtyard, calling out, trying to get the ghost's attention. Most of them were confused, but Ozpin, watching on a monitor on his office, seemed moreso curious where this was going.

"Oh come on, ya spooky ghoulie." Shaggy comments. "Don't tell me last night scared you off for good."

Then, the ghost finally appeared, jumping out of a bush.

"YIPE!" Shaggy yelped, stumbling back and the Dust bag falling out of his hand

The Dust bag falling out of Shaggy's hand caused it to roll to the general direction of the trap coincidentally enough. The ghost looked at the Dust bag and at Shaggy as Shaggy looked at the bag and then the ghost.

"You, like, still want it, don't you?" Shaggy comments

Shaggy got up and ran, grabbing the bag.

"Too bad for ya!" Shaggy comments. "You'll never get it!"

Shaggy continued running, the ghost giving chase.

"EVERYONE OUT OF THE WAY!!!!" Shaggy shouts as he ran

Meanwhile, Velma was waiting by the door for Shaggy to come running in. Daphne was making sure her weapon had ice Dust ammunition as well as the chainsaw function being up and running should that be needed. Fred was making sure he had a net arrow properly loaded into his crossbow.

"So, Fred...what uh....what kind of things do you like watching when watching TV?" Daphne asks

Daphne was trying her hardest to make small talk, but the difficulty was mainly coming form the fact that like Weiss had said before the initiation, she had a bit of a crush on the blonde Atlas trap master.

"Mostly things like sports and some of those weapon making contest shows." Fred comments. "Always a especially have a fondness for people who make things like crossbows or swords. You?"

"Oh, well-" Daphne starts

"Oh, you two, Shaggy's coming!" Velma alerted, looking out the door

The two looked over before getting into position and taking aim. Shaggy then ran in adn slid under the waist high tripwire. However, the ghost wasn't so lucky. It got snagged by the tripwire and fell to the ground. When it got back up on it's feet' or whatever it'd walk on, Daphne opened fire, freezing it at it's feet.

"Huh??!?" The ghost snarled, looking around

Fred then took aim, aiming right for the ghost and pulls the trigger. The arrow launches through the air, and halfway in it's journey, turns into a massive net, and then ensnaring the ghost. While it broke the ice, the net was too tangled around the ghost for it to be able to escape.

"Yeah! We did it!!" Fred comments

"Like, was wondering what it'd take to stop that ghost." Shaggy comments

"Fred, Daphne, get Ozpin and Glynda." Velma says as he went off to do so. "Daphne, go fetch Professor Port."

"Got it, Velmster." Daphne comments

Daphne went off to fetch the said professor.

"Shaggy, you keep an eye on this phony phantom." Velma says. "I'm gonna try to alert the authorities."

"You got it!" Shaggy responds, nodding

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