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When I thought about how I would escape this place...I didn't think this was how it would go.

Jobi nuts thank you for existing.

"I can't believe you kissed her. And in front of me too." I fake gag as we slow down from running. "Shut up Lili," he says as he playfully punches me on the shoulder. Lili is the nickname he gave me when our mother was pregnant with me.

"That sky boy kept looking at you, you know." He laughs. I stop walking and turn to him. "No he wasn't...your vision was just blurry," I say and start walking again.

He laughs and we finally make it back to our home. "How are you, Lili? Are your injuries bothering you?" He asks suddenly worried. "You know I've handled worse." I wave him off.

I walk towards my blankets and lay down with a wince.

"Rub some ointment on your wound Arelys. Don't be stubborn." Lincoln says as he takes off the jacket Octavia had put on him earlier. I groan and sigh. "Damn it"

I sit up with a wince and grab the ointment Lincoln is giving me. I rub the ointment and lay back down. "One hell of a day," I say sarcastically. He laughs quietly and lays down too. "Go to sleep,"

I grumble but lay my head down. I feel so tired so it doesn't take long for me to feel my eyes flutter close. Finally some good sleep.


"Damn it" I grumble as I kick the rock at my feet.

Lincoln kicked me out of my own home because he wanted some alone time with his sky girlfriend, Octavia. So now I'm here just walking around the forest looking for something to do.

After a few moments of thinking, I decided to finally go to the butterfly field I've missed so much. I still remember when our mother used to always bring me here, but that was a long time ago...a different me.

A smile crosses my face when I finally see it in the distance. I run over and stand in the middle. I sit down and put my sword down. I take off my big fur coat and my knives. I lay on my coat and look up once more before closing my eyes and letting my other senses heighten

After a few moments, I hear a twig snap in the distance. My eyes snap open and I grab my knife, trying to be stealthy about it. My back is turned to the noise. I hear footsteps coming closer and when they are finally close enough I tackle them. The person falls on their back and I straddle their lap, holding a knife to their throat.

"Woah, wait," the voice says. I look at the face and finally, I notice it.


"Bellamy?" I ask surprised to see him here, I see his face contort into a confused one as he stares at me. "You speak English" He states and I then realize what I did. "Uh...no?" I try to play dumb but it's too late, he heard me. I close my eyes and purse my lips in embarrassment. Bellamy glances at our position and his lips curl into a small smirk.

"You mind getting off me, Princess?" He asks and I can't help but hear some sort of playfulness to the question. I notice our position and see how intimate it looks so I quickly get off him. I stand and let my arm fall to my side, I never let my guard down as he stands and puts his hand up in surrender. "How do you know my name?" He asks curiously.

Handsome - Bellamy Blake FFWhere stories live. Discover now