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Everyone was standing outside now watching the grey mushroom cloud in the sky.

"I know who Oppenheimer is." I hear Bellamy say as I walk towards him and Clarke.  "Who's Oppenheimer?" I say to them. They turn to me not knowing what to say. "I'm just kidding," I say with a laugh. "My mom kept books at home and would always read to to me and my brother before bed," I say as I look at the mushroom cloud in the sky.

"So what did they blow up anyway? I ask.

"The bridge." I hear Clarke say and I freeze. "No..." I mumble. The mountain men will come for us. They'll take us into the mountain. We'll disappear.

"Shit" I feel the strength from my legs give out. Bellamy catches me before I fall to the ground.

The mountain men are coming for us

They're coming for us all


When I realized they had made a mistake I decided the only place I could go was home. Back to my brother. See what he had to say about all this.

When I reached the cave, I found no one there. "Lincoln?" I say out loud. I look around frantically. When I looked over at my bed I noticed a letter. I open it and read what's inside.

I'm sorry Lili. I had decided to leave without telling you, thought it would be better to spare me from the look of a broken, betrayed heart. I know you'll be fine without me. I see the way you look at the boy, Bellamy, Octavia's brother. I know how you feel, you are scared but don't be afraid to love him, Lili. I'm sorry for leaving you, but I know you will do just fine, you know how to survive like a warrior. You know where to find me when you start missing me.
I love you Arelys.

I let out a sob. I fall to the ground and hold the letter in my hand. He left me. I can't do this without my big brother, why would he leave me like this...


After silently crying in the corner for an hour like a child, I sluggishly get up and grab my bag where I would put all the things I might need. I wipe my tears and get so angry when I keep crying. I grab a chair and throw it against the cave walls out of anger, watching it shatter into pieces of wood on the ground. He left me.


I huff and take a deep breath to keep myself calm. I grab my bag from the ground and start walking out of the cave.

It's time to head back into reality.

Back into hell.

I walk to the front of the camp and let them see me. "There's a grounder!" I hear someone yell from the top of the wall. Someone yells from the other side and the gate opens. I walk forward and when I go through the wall I'm immediately enveloped in a hug. "I'm so sorry..." I hear a female voice say and I can't help but feel weak. I fall to the ground feeling numb. He left me. The same as he did when mom and dad died. I get why he left back then, he needed space but he didn't need to leave me behind for 2 whole years.

And now he's gone again.

Who knows how long he's going to be gone this time. Maybe it's better if he doesn't come back at all...

I don't even realize Bellamy coming forward to help me inside. I don't even care how my eyes are getting hazy.

I haven't eaten in 3 days. Usually, I can stay without food a bit longer but from the recent events, it makes sense when I black out.


My eyes flutter open and the first thing I notice is that I'm in someone's tent. I look around and see someone's things. I sit up and notice I'm in someone's shirt and no pants. Before I can question it someone enters the tent and I look up and see Bellamy with a cup of water and a large piece of wood with meat on it. "Good morning princess." He smiles when he sees me up.

"Hey, handsome," I say in my sleepy voice. "You hungry?" He asks as he shows me the food he has. I nod and grab the cup of water first. I drink almost all of it before going to grab some meat. I don't care if I look like an animal right now. I'm starving.

"The food isn't going anywhere." I hear him say and I freeze. "Sorry..." I mumble as I lick my fingers. His eyes glance at my mouth before clearing his throat and sitting next to me. "So how are you feeling?" He asks. "You sleep a lot you know that." He jokes and I laugh. "Better now that I'm eating," I say answering his previous questions as I eat a piece of meat, slowly this time. "Where'd you go yesterday?" He asks and I freeze. "Just had business to take care of," I say while I take a sip of my water.

"This meat would taste better if it had flavor," I say as I grab my bag. I take out a vial of some sauce and put it on the deer meat. I take a bite and moan in satisfaction. "That's way better- here try some," I say as I hold a piece of meat to his mouth. Bellamy stares at me for a second before eating the piece of meat from my fingers.

I lick my fingers out of habit and it doesn't even occur to me that we had an indirect kiss. What the hell is wrong with me? Why am I acting like a little girl?

I wait to see his reaction and I see his eyes light up from the taste. "Good right?" I laugh. He just nods and continues chewing.

Out of nowhere, I feel his hand brush some hair from my face behind my ear. I look at him and stare into his eyes. His eyes glance at my lips and I do the same. I notice he starts leaning in and I don't bother to stop him. For some reason, his lips look better than the meat on this plate.

What are you doing to me Bellamy Blake...

"Bellamy!" I hear a guy's voice yell for Bellamy. Before he can even turn his head I grab it and smash my lips to his. I'm not letting him leave before I get what I want.

And I almost always get what I want. I climb onto his lap and continue kissing him. I straddle his lap and tangle my fingers through his soft, curly hair as his hands grab my waist. "Bellamy!" I hear a girl's voice yell now. He sighs in annoyance as he pulls away and I can't help but giggle at his behavior. I look down at him. "I guess you have to go play leader," I say as I get off him and sit next to him. He stares at me and I see him lean in. "Just one more time before I have to go back to hell." He says quietly to me, looking at my lips. "So what am I heaven?" I ask playfully. "Oh yes princess, You are just that." He whispers against my lips. I giggle and slowly push him back. "Bye Bellamy~" I say and he sighs in defeat. "Bye," he says as he gets up. I laugh at his childish behavior. As he leaves I can't help but think about what I just did.

I kissed Bellamy.

He tasted like fruits, probably from what he ate for breakfast. He tasted so good. And I can't wait for more.


Handsome - Bellamy Blake FFWhere stories live. Discover now