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I run towards the dorms, hoping to find Jasper, Monty, and the others. There was an alarm that went off on level 5 about radiation so Maya couldn't come with me, she stayed behind on a different level. I told her I was just checking on my friends hoping they would be okay.

I turn the corner to where the dorms are and I find them completely empty. What? Where the hell are they?

I hear yelling down the hall and run towards it. I run towards the open doors at the end of the hall but before I can get close men in hazmat suits come out. I hide behind a corner and wait for them to pass. They run down a corner with a girl in their arms. Fox. Shit. I hear her scream for Jasper as she's getting dragged away.

There's too many. I'm weak and don't have a weapon. I'll lose.

I can't help her.

I hear yelling in the mess hall and run towards it.

I stop at the entrance and look at the scene before me. Blood everywhere. On everyone. Body's on the ground, limp.


I look up and everyone is looking at me.

Monty comes and hugs me. I freeze a bit before wrapping my arms around him. We part and I go to hug Jasper. He has blood on him but I don't care. I'm just happy I'm seeing my friends again.

"I thought they killed you." I hear Monty say behind me as I hug Harper. I observe gapers face and notice how wounded she looks.

"It takes more that mountain men to kill me." I smirk at him. He just smiles.

"Now give me a knife." I say as I hold my hand out.

"What?" Miller says confused.

"I need to go after Fox." I say as I take a small knife from the table near me.

"Your gonna kill them with a butter knife?" Miller says as he looks at me confused.

What the hell is a butter knife. "I've killed people with a stick before. I'll be fine."

I start to walk towards the doors. "Wait I'll come too." Jasper tells me before he starts walking with me. "No you need to stay here. The mountain men will come back. You need to be ready." I stop him. I put my hand on his shoulder and look at him. "Be brave Jasper. You're a fighter. So fight."

I quickly run to where the guards took fox, hoping it's not too late. I use Maya's keycard as I go down levels.

I'm at what I think is the basement. I hear cries down a hall and run towards it. When I round the corner I bump into something, more like someone.

They bring their elbow back but I duck and aquí his feet from under him. I crawl on him and bring the knife up ready to kill him. "Arelys?"

"Bellamy?" I look at him and notice it is Bellamy. I quickly get off him and help him up. We don't have enough time to say anything before I hear Fox's cries again. I run down the hallway with Bellamy behind me. I enter the room and see two guards take her to the chair in the middle of the room. I run forward and kick one of the guards back knees so he falls to his knees. I grab the back of his head and pull back, I bring the knife to his neck and slide it across it, making him lay on the ground to bleed out.

The other guard comes at me but before he can attack me he gets shot. I turn and see Bellamy standing in the doorway. He takes off his mask, that covered half of his face. He takes off the helmet with it. Fox realizes who it is in the guard uniform and goes to hug Bellamy.


"You okay?" He asks as he hugs her back. She just sobs in his shoulder. I see Maya come in and I smile at her. She smiles back and looks at the blood in my hands and the body's on the ground.

"Come on. We have to get her someplace safe." Maya says as we all walk out.

We follow Maya to her place and when we follow her inside I see her and her dad talk. I look around her place and see all the things they have. I grab the rag I see on a table and wipe the blood from my hand.

Maya's dad finally agrees and we hide Fox here.


I walk beside Bellamy until we hear the radio go off. "In 20 minutes, your friend will either suffocate or burn."

"Damn it."

We run back where we can from.

We find Mayas dad on the way there and he tells us he has a way we can can help her without being on camera.

We follow him and he makes Bellamy climb a garbage shoot. After a few seconds, him, Maya, and Jasper all fall down the shoot. The door shuts and air comes out of the top. I go to help Maya take off the hazmat suit.

Her dad comes through the door and they hug. I turn to see Bellamy hugging Jasper, Bellamy and Jasper let go and Jasper comes and hugs me. I smile at the feeling of seeing my friend again.

"Hey, listen to me. Clarke is coming with an army of Grounders."


"We have to keep all of you safe till then."

"Don't tell me Finn finally got his peace talks."

Bellamy looks down before answering him. "Something like that."

Bellamy had told me what happened to Finn back when we were in cages. Finn killed innocents. He took lives, so we took his. Sorta. He told me Clarke had killed him.

I think it's better that way. Killed by the woman he loved, and killing the person she loved. Now it'll forever haunt her.

"Come on, we got a lot of work to do." Bellamy says as he pays Jasper on the back and walks over to me.

I smile at him and he smiles back. He pulls me towards him by the waist and I wrap my arms around his neck. "We meet again." I joke. He laughs at it and I laugh with him.

"Since when we're you two a thing?" Jasper voices out behind Bellamy and I freeze awkwardly. What are we actually? We never got the chance to talk about it. "Since none of your business. Now let's go." Bellamy tells Jasper and I know he's only playing with him, he doesn't mean it in a harsh way.

Bellamy leads me with a hand on my back as we're following Jasper, Maya, and her dad. I feel it going lower and lower until I reach behind me and grab it before it gets too low. I turn and see a smirking Bellamy and I scoff with a smile.


"What dis you just say?" He asks quietly next to my ear and I use every ounce of restraint in me to not let him know how it affects me to have him whisper in my ear and his breath on my neck.

"Nothing." I whisper back innocently.

He glances at me before continuing to walk beside me with his hand on my back.


Handsome - Bellamy Blake FFWhere stories live. Discover now