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"Wait lay me down here," I say a little groggily from the blood loss. Everyone has been running for a while now.

Bellamy stops running and sets me down on a log. Everyone is trying to catch their breath. I grab the arrow and yank it out with a grunt. I notice everyone starts looking at me like I'm crazy.

I reach into my pocket and grab my container full of vials. I grab the one to disinfect and open it. I pour it on my open wound and wince slightly. I notice the wound is starting to bubble so I know it's working. "What the hell is that stuff." I hear Raven ask. I ignore her question and take off my shirt. I have a bra on so I'm not completely naked. I start to rip pieces of my shirt and tie them to wrap around my wound. I take another vial and open It. I drink It. This vial helps with the pain.

I notice how some of them are still trying to catch their breaths. "You guys are out of shape," I mumble and raise my arms for Bellamy to carry me.

I look up at him and see him lean down to grab me. He carries me bridal style and he starts jogging again. The rest of the group runs right behind him.


We finally made it to their camp. Bellamy stops running and turns to look at me. "Are you okay?" He asks. "I lost a lot of blood Bellamy. How do you think I'm feeling right now?" I ask sarcastically. The vial I drank to help with pain also helps with sleep. So my consciousness is slowly slipping away. "What are we gonna do with her?" Raven asks.

"Here use my jacket to cover her." I hear Finn say beside Bellamy.

All of a sudden everyone starts fighting and arguing. I weakly roll my eyes and lay my head on Bellamy's shoulder.

This is the greatest pillow I have ever felt.

He smells nice too.

Like how it would smell right after it rains.

Or the moss I find when walking through the forest.



My eyes snap open and I jolt up. I grab the knife in the back of my shirt and hold it up, ready for anything.

"Woah! Hey, Hey, Hey." I hear a male voice and hands grab my shoulders. I rapidly blink my eyes and they start to focus on what's ahead of me. A girl's face. Octavia. She smiles when she sees my eyes open. "Hey, your awake" I nod weakly and attempt to sit up but I wince as pain jolts through my body.

I see Bellamy, Clarke, and Finn standing behind Octavia. "Is this a party?" I ask sarcastically. I see Finn laugh a bit. Clarke glances at him before turning towards me. "Arelys we need to ask you something," Clarke asks. I turn to look at her in confusion. I hear coughing below us. "The grounders-your people gave us a sickness and we need the cure." I look up at them. "Let's me see them." Clarke and Bellamy help me up and take me to the stairs. When I climb down I look at the scene in front of me. "That's the boy they sent us. He was one of our own. They captured and tortured him." Clarke points towards a boy on the ground. I limp closer and he seems to notice me because the next thing he does is try to back away. "What the hell is she doing here?" He asks in a panic.

"She needs to look at you, Murphy." I hear Clarke say behind me. "I won't hurt you. Just need to take a look at you." I grab his face with enough strength so he doesn't move away. I observe and notice they have the sickness we use before a battle. "There is no cure. The sickness passes quickly. Few are immune. We use it to soften the battlefield." I say as I get up from my crouching position. "What! This is killing people." Clarke yells at me. "It only kills the weak. That's what it's meant for." I snap back looking straight into her eyes. "As I said, few are immune." She looks defeated and looks at the floor.

Handsome - Bellamy Blake FFWhere stories live. Discover now