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Bellamy comes out of the room after putting Lovejoys body in. He presses a button and an alarm in the room sounds. I looked over to Maya and notice her look. She feels guilty. Bellamy walks over and puts a belt on his hip. Some sort of holster. "You've done enough. You should walk away." Really Bellamy. Is that how you should talk to a teen who's just been traumatized.

"You don't know where your going."

"So draw me a map."

Maya shakes her head and refuses. "No. I'm in." She gives Bellamy a gun and a keycard. Bellamy takes it and put the keycard in his back pocket. He then checks the guns bullets and loads it.

"I need to get to the radio so I can contact Clarke. We heard Jaspers SOS-"

"I helped them set that up. I know where it is. Bellamy... your people are disappearing. Two so far. Monty and Harper. I thought they'd be in here, but-"

"I wanna see the others. Now."

"The dorms on the way to the radio."


"Wait" Maya stops Bellamy and reaches to take off the name tag. "Everyone here knows everyone. Put this on and roll up your sleeves- you too Arelys."

I roll up my sleeve and Maya comes and cuts my skin. "The tracking chip." Bellamy says beside me. Maya cuts my skin and takes out the chip. She puts a bandage on the wound and holds up the chip. "Put this in your cage." I grab it and walk over to the cage. I put it in and shut the door. I notice Jakob looking at me with a scared look on his face. "Jakob I need you to stay here."

"No mama-"

"Listen-listen to me. I'm coming back for you, I promise." I grab his face through the holes of the cage. I stroke my thumb on his cheek in a soothing way, hoping that would calm him down a bit.

"I promise. Be brave Jakob. Be fearless. You are a warrior." I see him nod and I walk away.

Bellamy comes over and puts his tracking chip in his cage. He goes over to echos cage and whispers something to her. My eyebrows furrow in confusion at the interaction. He walks back over and I stare at him. He looks at me. "What? Whats wrong?" He asks as he notices my face. I scoff and feel like slapping the shot out of him. But I can't, we don't have time now. I push my feeling aside- or try to at least. I don't look at him while I respond. "Nothing." I tell him while walking towards Maya who's near the door.

"Take us to our friends" Bellamy says. He glances at me but I ignore it. Why am I so petty. I know he loves me so why. I'm an idiot but I have trust issues, leave me alone.


Why. Just why. Why can't something for once just go right.

"You know I missed you in my Expressionist class." The man tells Maya.

"Yeah, I...I had some work to do."

"I'll get you the notes."

I notice Bellamy reach for his gun but Maya tells him not to.

"You know I don't know you? Are you one of the kids they brought in?" The man asks me. I nod and give him the most innocent looking eyes I can muster. I smile at him trying to convince him and not blow our cover. "Yeah...Maya here is taking me to the infirmary because...of a sore throat I have." I touch my throat pretending it hurts.

"Oh well I hope you feel better." He smiles and I smile back and nod.

The bell dings and more people enter. Oh you've gotta be kidding me. The bell rings again and the people get off. Me, Bellamy and maya we're almost off when the man spoke again. "Hey, your bleeding. Are you okay?" I notice blood on Bellamy's collar and Maya finds a quick excuse.

I grab the man's handkerchief and give it to Maya. She presses it to Bellamy's neck and goes back in the elevator.

"You better go." Maya tells the man.

"What about you two?" He asks both me and Maya. "Maya knows what she's doing- and my blood will help him when we get into the infirmary." I quickly push the guy out. I smile and wave bye to the man. "Keep the handkerchief." The man nods and walks away.

I let out a breath in relief. "Well that was shit." I voice out as both Maya and Bellamy let out a breath.



That was the name I saw on the little kids backpack as he went to class, oblivious to what had happened to his dad.

"They're just kids." Bellamy voices out. I see the pained look on his face and grab his hand. I squeeze his hand trying to sooth him, suddenly forgetting why I was ignoring him in the first place.

"What did you expect you'd find here?" Maya asks him. She starts walking and I follow her, dragging Bellamy with me as he looks at the classroom the kid went into.

We walk till we get to level 5. We turn a corner and see the kids in the dorm room. The annoying alarm starts ringing and the doors suddenly close. I see Jasper in the doors window and he notices me. I stand there looking at his panicked face. I feel Bellamy grab my hand and pulls me with him as him and Maya walk down the hallways. "We need to get to that radio."

When we finally get to the warehouse I can't help but look around the beautiful paints around me. Bellamy speaks into the radio and Clarkes voice comes through.

He explains everything. He even mentions me and Maya. They make a plan about disabling the acid fog and not killing everyone in this damn mountain.


We're late. Clarke knows that and she sounds stressed.

Bellamy keeps talking to Clarke on the radio but I can't help and wander off to look at a painting. The painting has a boy and a girl holding hands in the middle of a grassy field. Their backs facing us and the sun hitting their faces. Tall trees surround them, all green and mossy.

It reminds me of home.

"Hey" I feel Bellamy grab my arm and I face him. Me gives me a small smile and I give one back. I lean up a bit since he's a bit taller than me and press my lips to his. I kiss him just once before pulling back.

"I need you to go with maya." He tells me. My eyes widen. "What" I shake my head. "No!" I slightly yell at him and he grabs my face gently and tries to make me quiet down. "Bellamy I'm not leaving you." I tell him with furrowed brows. "Listen to me Arelys. I need to see our friends. I have a guard uniform, you don't. You'll get caught."

I hate to admit it but he has a point. I grab his face and kiss him. I savor the moment like it's the last time.


I cant think like that.

"Be safe, Bellamy Blake."

"May we meet again."

"May we meet again" I repeat.

I see something in his eyes. I smile and give him a peck on his lips before walking over to Maya. I nod to her and she begins walking. I look behind me to look at Bellamy one last time, he looks at me walking away and I smile and nod. Trying to give him reassurance. I turn back and follow Maya.


Handsome - Bellamy Blake FFWhere stories live. Discover now