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"It's all clear"

Me and the kids all walk out carefully and still on alert for any mountain men. I notice Jasper still stiffly walking beside Bellamy in front of me."Relax, Maya took out the cameras." I put my hand to his left shoulder and pat it.

"We're still sitting ducks in a group like this." Miller says as he looks around.

"Your right, so we're gonna split up." Bellamy informs them but Monty grabs his shoulder and stops him. He want to stick together but Jasper agrees with Bellamy. They don't trust Maya anymore, they know her involvement and she almost died because of it.

"Who the hell is gonna help us now." Miller asks and Jasper and bell ay share this look before Bellamy nods over to the end of the hallway.

"They are."

At the end of the hallway we see Maya and her dad with a bunch of other people behind them. Maya explains what the plan is and and why these people are helping. The kids follow Maya's dad and the rest of the group. I stay behind with bellamy as everyone walks forward.

"Hey, we're coming with you." Jasper tells Bellamy. "No, your not. They still don't know I'm here. I need to keep it that way."

"So what do we do?" Monty asks.

"Stay alive. Be ready to fight. War is coming..." he tells Jasper and Monty. They both nod before going with the group.

"I'm going." I tell Bellamy with my arms crossed. He turn to look at me and I raise my eyebrow to him, as if he really thinks he can change my mind. He sighs in defeat and turns to look at a wall before looking at me again. "You" he points a finger at me. "Are gonna be the death of me." I smirk. "Or gonna make you feel more alive." I say as I walk closer and gently grab his collar. My eyes switch between his eyes and his lips before finally connecting mines to his. I open my eyes and look into his as I peck him a soft, gentle kiss. "Let's go handsome. We have a work to do." I whisper on his lips and start moving towards our next destination.


"Why isn't it working Bellamy?" I ask him as I watch him try to scan the keycard again. He opens his mouth to answer but before he does the walkie goes off. "Bellamy, come in."

"Yeah, I'm a little busy here, Raven." He answers as we walk to another door.

"You missed check-in. Did you fine the source of the acid fog yet?"

"We're making our way there now. It's taking longer than we thought."

"Who we?"

"Arelys...Long story."

"Well...I don't know enough to crack it on this end. You gotta give me something."

"We're working on it." He walks to the doors scanner and tries the keycard again. It doesn't work. "Something's wrong." I mumble beside Bellamy. "What?" Raven asks through the walkie next to me.

"My key card isn't working." He says as we both turn around trying to find something to help us or get us in.

"That's not good."

"I need to find another way in. I'll call you back." He heavily sighs. My head turns to a door opening and two guards come out with their guns point at us. "Stay right there! Hands in the air!"

I notice beside me, stairs going up to the next level. I nudge Bellamy hand and nod towards it. He nods and I do to knowing what he's saying. We both make a run for it and quickly climb the stairs. Shit. Shit. Shit.

Handsome - Bellamy Blake FFWhere stories live. Discover now