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I woke up a while ago. I had been out for about an hour and It's now completely dark out so I'm helping people around me with the newfound sickness. I'm feeling better after getting more sleep.

I guess Lincoln was right to scold me about sleeping more.

But I obviously won't tell him that.

"Their back!" I hear some people yell from outside. I go to see them and I see Raven walk in with a strange suit and a jar filled with liquid. Raven tells Finn and Bellamy to wait outside her tent as she goes in herself. I start to walk over but before I can make it this guy comes yelling in my face telling me to go back inside. I roll my eyes and try to walk by him, but he steps in front of me waking closer and trying to intimidate me. "Really?" I ask sarcastically. I try to walk past him again and this time he grabs my arm. I try to restrain myself from putting this snob on his ass.

"Hey! Don't touch her!" I hear a male voice say a few feet in front of me. I turn to see and I'm met with cute set of curls I know and like so dearly much. Bellamy walks over, shoves the guy, and tells him to "back off," he reluctantly does as he sees he has no other choice and angrily stomps off like a child would when having a tantrum.

"You okay?" He asks me with a concerned face. The face he gives me catches me off guard, seeing him worried for me makes me a tad bit happy. I don't show him any emotion it does and just nod while averting my eyes with pursed lips. "I've handled worse. Don't worry about me handsome." I tell him playfully.

He smirks in response and I can't help but observe how pretty his brown eyes look from the fire. "Handsome?" He asks, I shrug in response. "You call me princess. I call you handsome." I tell him not giving him a chance to argue. He just laughs and nods. "Okay then Princess."

I nod over to the tent Raven went in. "What's she doing in there?" I ask.

"Making a bomb." He bluntly says as he just looks at the side of my face. "Cool..." i slowly nod my head and poke the side of my cheek with my tongue, giving the impression that I'm not interested.

A lie.

I wanna see." I say the last part quickly and quickly make a bee line for the tent, not giving him enough time to catch me. I stop in front of the tent and try to peek in. "Shouldn't you be resting?" Finn asks next to me with a raised eyebrow. I wave him off and continue trying to peek.

"Arelys you need rest-" he's cut off by Raven yelling from inside the tent. "Ok. You can come in now." I walk in and she gives me a confused look. I hear Bellamy sigh behind me in defeat. I ignore both of them and just stare at the liquid in the jar on the table. I see Bellamy look at the jar in slight concern or fear. "Boom!" I scare Bellamy and he lets out a breath. I laugh and notice Raven doing the same. "That's cute." Bellamy tells me. I know it's sarcasm but I'm still free to revel in the feeling of being called cute by him.

Everyone always has these scary or tough names for me. But in all my life I've never been called cute.

Im going crazy, oh Becca help me.

"Relax. It needs an accelerant-gunpowder." Raven says behind me as she shows off the jar of gunpowder. She then demonstrates how the bomb works.

"Cool. I guess i forgive you now for torturing me." I say as I stare at the bucket with the X on it. Everyone just stares at me, Bellamy give me a side eye look, Finn cringes, and Raven clears her throat mumbling a quick apology.

"It's the rest of our gunpowder. We won't be able to make any more bullets." Bellamy says breaking the awkward silence. "Tonight we need a bomb. We can worry about bullets tomorrow." Finn says.

Although they are preparing to kill my people I can't seem to feel guilty. They banished me and my brother. Of course I still leave letters to Indra and Lexa saying I'm alright and how I know they can't do anything about our banishment. Everyone would kill them if they tried to lift our banishment just because were close. Indra was my teacher and she was always at lexas side so that made us friends. Lexa is my friend almost sisters, but she's also the commander. That means she needs to make the tough call sometimes. Even if it hurts.

"If we do this and it doesn't work, we'll all be dead tomorrow." I hear Bellamy say, breaking me out of my thoughts. "Then let's make sure it works. To be safe, you need to be at least 200 feet away to make the shot." Raven says.

"No problem. Which one of you plants the bomb?" Bellamy replies. Everyone looks to be on edge. "I will" Finn answers and I see the tension between him and Raven. I hear Bellamy scoff beside me. "You won't pick up a gun, but blowing people up, that your ok with?" He turns to Finn.

"We're blowing up at bridge. There's not gonna be any people on it." He defends.

I see the tension going on and I feel the need to back away and out the tent. I start backing away but Bellamy grabs my arm making me stay. I sigh in defeat and just let him. "Finn, we have one bomb. We need to use it to kill as many of those bastards as possible." He tells him. I clear my throat and he turns to me. I give him a "are you serious?" Look and he closes his eyes in what I think is regret. "Sorry" he mouth and I just roll my eyes and look away. "They don't know we only have one bomb. If we did, why would we waste it on the bridge? I'm talking about deterrents, peace through strength." Finn explains.

"The appearance of strength, you mean." Raven says as she takes off the suit she's in. "Yeah" Finn says quietly. "Men who built the A-bomb thought they were peacemakers, too. How'd that work out for them?" Bellamy says and there's silence. I turn and see Finn and Raven look Intensely at Bellamy. I turn to look at Bellamy's face and notice blood coming out his nose. "Don't touch anything." Raven tells him.

"Who else can take the shot?" Finn suddenly asks.

"Appreciate the concern." Bellamy says sarcastically. "Make sure the bomb is packed and ready to go in 10 minutes." And with that Bellamy goes outside. I see him stumble but he's stubborn and tells me to wait here. I sigh in annoyance and wait. He goes and talks to Jasper. After a while he starts walking back but then he falls to the ground. "Bellamy!" Me and Jasper both say. "No. Stay back. Make the shot. Find Finn. Go." He says as Jasper walks away reluctantly. I try with all my strength left to pick him up and help him go to the drop ship.

"Damn it Bellamy." I mumble through gritted teeth. "Sorry princess" he weakly laughs.

I make it to the drop ship and carry him inside. Octavia comes running towards us and helps me sit him down. We may him down on the blankets and he starts throwing up blood. Me and Octavia lay him on his side and he throws up on the floor next to him. I grab a rag and wipe the blood on his face. "I'll get him some water." I tell Octavia letting her take care of him now.

"Get the hell away from me" I hear a familiar voice says behind me. I turn and see Bellamy awake, Murphy looks like he's trying to help but it seem like Bellamy still doesn't trust him. "Hey, I got this one." I stay as I walk up to the pair. Murphy stand up and hand me the cup of water. I sit next to Bellamy and hand him the water. He takes it and turns to ask me, "you feeling better?"

"Yeah" I say with a small smile.

"That's good."

"How are you handsome? Feeling any better?" I ask as I grab his face with one hand and with my other, I use a rag and wipe the blood off his face.

He stares at me for a moment before answering. "Yeah...a bit." When I'm done cleaning his face off I look at his eyes and smile. He turns and looks on the floor. "You seen Octavia?" He asks.

"She was up all night helping people." I tell him. "The guy Murphy gave her a break."

"Don't trust him Arelys." He says while looking at me straight in my eyes. I laugh. "Don't worry handsome. He's not my type anyways." I say as I move a curl on his forehead. We look at each other for a bit longer before Clarke comes and asks if she can talk to Bellamy. I nod and stand up. I go and help someone who's sick by the corner.


Handsome - Bellamy Blake FFWhere stories live. Discover now