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After happily reuniting with our awesome friends, who supposedly are not getting along at the moment (Clarke and Octavia). We decide it's best to split up. Bellamy, Monty, and Clarke go and talk to Dante. While Octavia, Jasper, and I, go find Maya another oxygen tank.

Bellamy grabs my wrist before I can walk away with the others. I turn to look at him with furrowed eyebrows. "What's wrong?" I ask as my eyes flicker all over his face trying to find out what's bothering him or why he stopped me. "I just...be careful, okay?" he tells me as his eyes flicker all over my face, not making eye contact once until I cup one side on his face. I give him a sideways smile. "Don't worry about me handsome." I say as I move a strand of his curly hair away from his eyes. "Just focus on saving your people." He stares at me for a moment before leaning in and giving me a soft kiss. "Your my people." He pulls back and leans his forehead on line before whispering. I smile and go to say something but a voice behind me cuts me off.

"Ew, when did this happen."

I turn and see Octavia with a disgusted face and her finger in the air, gesturing to both of us.

I laugh and Bellamy just rolls his eyes. "Now you know how I felt." He gives me one last kiss on the side of my head before walking past his sister and following Clarke and Monty. I shrug an arm around Octavia's shoulder and guide her towards Jasper and Maya. "So when did you start liking him?" Octavia nudges me with a sly smirk on her face. I try to hide my smile and ignore her as we walk towards the pair.


"Jasper." I finally say with a strict tone in my voice, having enough of Jasper's worried state. I close my eyes a lean my head on the wall behind me. "A warrior doesn't worry about what he can't control." I breathe out and open my eyes once again. I turn to look at Octavia- her eyes on me already. She looks at me with a  small smile on her lips, I smile back with tired eyes. I'm so tired, especially hungry. But I can still fight, it won't be the first time I fight with an empty stomach. I'm exhausted but that doesn't mean I'm gonna give up.

Maya finally comes through the door with the guard and jasper instantly goes to embrace her with a hug. Me and Octavia stand, Octavia with a readied stance, sword in hand and me with my hand resting on my sword which is still seethed in its place. Lee points the gun towards us and maya quickly intervenes. "Lee, put down the gun."

"You didn't say there were outsiders with you." He turns to look at maya while occasionally glancing at me and Octavia.

"The one behind me is...debatable," I give a forced smile as Jasper gestores behind him at me. He then points to Octavia who's already in a fighting stance. "But she is not an outsider."

"Yes she is" Octavia instantly retorts and I can't help but snort because of how amusing this situation is to me.

"She's with us, cage is in the dorm. They brought another group in from the ark- more marrow. They're not even fringe to fix the dam." Maya explains and the smile from my face completely fades as my eyebrows furrow. "How many soldiers with cage?" I ask lee as I walk next to Octavia. He's hesitant but he answers eventually. "Uh, six, why?" Everyone looks at me confused as I go and walk towards jasper as I whisper in his ear. He nods and removes the gun from across his chest so he's now holding it. "Just get me close. They will be happy you found another eight doses." He turns to Octavia and begins asking something. "Hey, I need a..." Octavia pulls out a knife and gives it to jasper. "Aim for the throat. Slash, don't Stab. Make it deep." I instruct as Octavia walks towards the door way, I walk just behind her and put my shoulder around her. I see a emotionless look on her face and I can't help but give a sad smile. I remember how nervous and afraid I was before a fight, I can see she's trying to hide it, but I know exactly how this act goes. Instead of asking her about it or pointing out the fact that I know how she's feeling right now, I decide to keep her mind on other things. "How are your teachings going Octavia? Have you learned more about our language?" I tell her and she glances at me before clearing her throat and gulping. "I'm still eating?" She mispronounces the word and I can't help but laugh a bit. She hits my arm and I put my hands up in surrender. "It's 'Im still learning,' not Im still eating." I laugh a bit more and she just smacks her teeth in annoyance.


I sit down with a sigh as I hear Maya and Octavia talk about a view? I don't know I wasn't listening. They continue talking until two teenagers come through the doors- sucking each others faces. I quickly stand up and pull my sword out, the sound making them turn to finally look at us. They quickly back away, running out the door yelling outsiders, my instinct kicks in and I start chasing them down the hall, I hear Maya yell for both me and Octavia but we don't listen to a single word she yells with her desperate voice.

I turn the corner and see two guards start running towards me and so I throw my sword into one's chest and slide towards the others feet, knocking him down- I get up quickly and grab my sword from the guards chest and bring it along the others throat. I wipe the bloody blade of my sword with my sleeve and clean it off. We hear hear yelling from down the hall and I go to step forward but a hand stops me. I turn and see Octavia look at me with a panicked look. "We need to go" she turn to Maya and yells run as we all start running down the halls once again.

Maya leads us towards the mess hall and we truly tried our best to act natural but the way Octavia is dressed and our swords- it obviously didn't work out how we wanted it to. Guards start coming in through the entrance and we try to go back the way we came but more guards appeared, leaving us trapped with guns in our faces. They grab us and yank us down to the ground with our hands behind our back, I can't help but think this is actually how I'm going to die.

I want to see him again.


And then it starts...everyone starts dying...radiation killing them slowly.

They won't survive, none of them will, not even...Maya. I turn my head to look at her, her body right there on the floor with the painful marks all over her face. I grab her gently and lay her on my arms for a bit. She looks up at me with a small smile as I start humming a lullaby. The same one my mother sang to me when I was afraid.

Jasper run in and takes Maya from my arms. I can see how much this is affecting him.

His poor heart...Her poor soul...dead.


I slam the door open with Octavia right behind me. "Hey, get the keys from the guard." Kanes voice yells out towards me and I quickly grab the keys and unchain him from the wall, I do the same with other people until they are all finally free.

After unchaining everyone, I go to check up in anyone who might need help. As I stand up from my crouching position, I'm suddenly tackled by a hug. It takes me a second but I finally recognize the familiar

"Bellamy" I say with relief in my voice.


I pull back and cup his face. "Your okay...your really okay." I say and he just nods before slamming his lips on mine. I grab his face and wrap one arm around his back. I feel my legs lift from the ground a bit and his hands on my back tightly. We hold each other like it might be the last time we'll ever be in each others arms.

We finally pull back and lay our foreheads on each others. We smile and laugh a bit- almost like crazy people would. Yet again aren't we all a little crazy? I hug him tightly and hear him whisper in my ear. "Let's go home princess."


Handsome - Bellamy Blake FFWhere stories live. Discover now