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   Lunch was good and fun. Now after very little convincing, they were at a outdoor mall.

  Selene and Sol were slightly ahead of Felix and Hyunjin.

    "So, what is that story with the break in?" Hyunjin questioned.

    Felix hummed, "I call it a break in, but they got in using a key,"

   "They had a key?"

  The blond nodded.

   "Uhm, I hadn't changed the locks to my house and my ex-husband kind of broke in. He called me while we were at the museum, I had to call my brother about it," Felix explained

    "Ex-husband?" Hyunjin questioned.

   "Oh yeah, I was married for the longest two minutes. We got married straight out of high school and then rose coloured glasses came off and I was stuck until about three years ago,"

    "I can imagine being married that young,"

   "Neither could eye and then I met him. I thought he was too good to be true. We dated for 3 months before he proposed. Everyone around me was like it is too soon, something's not right. My brother he was the most adamant about me not marrying the guy. But I was eighteen, I thought I knew better than anyone. Turns out I knew nothing," Felix said with a chuckle.

  "You guys were married for five years, it had to have been good at some point," Hyunjin mentioned.

   The younger shook his head, "As soon as I put my name on the dotted line he showed me who he truly was. We weren't even on the honeymoon yet. Anyways, how about you? Have you been married?"

   "Not even close," Hyunjin said with a chuckle.

    "Oh? You and the twins' mom went getting married?" Felix questioned.

  Hyunjin shook his head, "Estrella, their mom, she didn't want to get married, not until after university, but before she even finished university, these two popped up and we were nervous, so nervous.

   Estrella, she was told she couldn't conceive so we thought it was a stomach bug. I guess she felt something off, so she went to the doctor and that is when we found out about Selene and Sol,"

    "Sun, Moon, and Stars, that is cute," Felix mentioned.


    "Selene and Sol's names. Selene means 'The Moon', Sol Means 'Sun', and Estrella means 'Star', it is really cute,"

    Hyunjin nodded, "I am going to be very honest, I didn't know that is what they meant at least Sol and Selene's names. They were the names Estrella chose,"

    "They are very beautiful names," Felix said.

   Hyunjin nodded agreeing.

   "You mentioned you brother, how many siblings do you have?" Hyunjin asked.

   "Three. My brother is the oldest, then I have a older sister and a younger sister. What about you? Do you have any siblings?"

   "I do. I have a twin sister, she was just recently married and I have a little brother, he is in university, Princeton," Hyunjin said.

   "Ivy league, that is nice,"

  "Wanted to be a show off, he got a full ride scholarship. My sister went to UPenn and I didn't go to university. My parents, my father in particular hated it, he wanted me to go to university and become him, but I didn't want that,"

    "My oldest brother quite literally gave the finger to our grandfather when he went to Seoul for studying. My sister went to university I just don't remember which one and my youngest sister, she is going back to Australia," Felix said.

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