
289 16 15

  Character Warning:Jae is in this chapter.

Yeji is a little scary.


 The fifteen candle ceremony, I am think it is done differently for each family, I don't remember exactly how my family does it, but from what I remember 15 close family members/friends come up and light one candle and say something small or give a small gift to the birthday human.


   Chan's voice was loud as Yeji exited the venue.

  "You need to stay the fuck away from them, especially after what you said to her,"

   "Chan," Changbin's voice could be heard.
Yeji walked a little faster.

   When she reached them her hands balled up into fists.

   "What the hell are you doing here?" Yeji questioned, once she saw Jae.

   "Celebrating the birthday girl and boy," Jae said.

    "I told you to stay the fuck away. I don't want you anywhere near here,"

    "Yeji, go back in, I got him," Chan said.

Yeji shook her head, "No, because he made this personal with me, when I found out what he said to Selene,"

    "She told you that?" Jae asked.

   "It's pathetic, you're pathetic. A grown fucking man saying that to an eight year old. You must've been so scared of my brother if you were that threatened enough to spout shit like that,"

  "Threatened by him? He couldn't have hurt me if he tried. I bet he was just like Felix, weak and useless,"

   Chan would've punched Jae then and there if it wasn't for Changbin.

     "You should go," Yeji stated.

   "I haven't said happy birthday to the twins. I'd love to see them again," Jae said.

    Yeji smiled and walked up to the older.

     "What's going to happen now, is those two security guards over there are going to take you to the office and their going to make sure you don't leave as you wait for the police.

   I heard from a little Birdy that you have quite the rap sheet from drugs to robberies to what happened three years ago. They'll be happy they got you." Yeji said, fixing the other's lapel.

  "Now once they book you which will take maybe a few hours I'll be done here and my friend will call me to tell me. From there I will press charges.

   Obviously it won't make to big of a difference, but still you'll go to prison. It won't be one here, it'll be one in Ohio, I hear that you have some friends there that miss you and would love to see you again. Now, you can thank my brother for that, especially when he told you to stay away from Felix,"

     "How do you know all that?" Jae questioned.

    Yeji stepped back and smiled sweetly at the male.

  "I think you forget who my parents are. I have connections to many places even in your own circle I know people. You should have listened to Hyunjin and stayed away. Jackson, Mark, please take him to the office and wait for the police to come,"

    The two men pulled Jae off to the office of the backroom.

   "You scare me," Changbin stated.

   "Hyunjin got some that information for our PI friend. I called her the other day when he came around see if she could dig up more stuff, she found a lot. Which reminds me, Chan she had a file about Felix, it was part of her research into Jae, I think you should have it, it's back at home but I'll give it to you after this,"

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