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   "Hey, don't worry about Ana and Aurora," Yeji said softly.

    Selene messed with the tulle of her dress, "What if they say something?"

   "Then they say something, but today is for you and Sol, not anyone else,"

    "Okay, hun, your hair is done," Jeongin said.

    Selene turned her head to look at her hair. A smile coming to her lips when she saw the blue and white flowers.

  "It is beautiful, thank you Innie," Selene said.

   Jeongin smiled.

  "Innie, can you give us a moment?" Yeji asked.

   "I should get to Seungmin anyway. I'll see you guys at the venue," Jeongin said, getting up and leaving.

    "Is something wrong, aunt Yeji?"

    "No, no… you're just growing up so fast," Yeji said softly.

    "Not that fast," Selene said.

  Yeji chuckled and grabbed her purse.

   "A couple years ago when I finally worked up the courage to go through Hyunjin's stuff I found things. Among these things I found small boxes, I gave one to Sol already," Yeji handed the girl a small red box.

    Taking it, Selene opened it, her lips pursing, "I remember these. Felix and dad each wore one up until I asked and then they stopped wearing them,"

    "There is an inscription on the inside," Yeji told her.
Selene pulled the ring out and looked on the inside.

Oct. 18 H&F

   "October 18th, the day we started school,"

    "That is what I thought too until I remembered those pictures we found,"

   Yeji pulled out a picture and flipped showed Selene the back.

October 18th, 2011
Hyunjinnie & Yongbokkie

    "I think that they knew and that is why it was so easy for them to click,"

     Selene took a deep breath, "Thank you,"

   Yeji smiled, "Are you ready to go? We shouldn't be late,"

      "There is one more thing I need,"

   Selene opened her vanity drawer and pulled out a small box, "I think it is time I wear it, do you mind helping me?" She asked.

   Yeji took the box and pulled the necklace out gently.

   The girl moved her hair out of the way and Yeji put the necklace on her.

    "You look stunning, Sel,"

    Selene looked at herself in the mirror the small moon charm on the necklace shining brightly.

     "Thank you, Aunt Yeji," she spoke softly.


    Yeji grabbed the microphone and cleared her throat.
   "Quickly, I would like thank everyone joining us for this very special occasion. While some of you have only know them for a few years, I know that they are both very happy to have all of you here. So please, join me in welcoming the birthday girl and boy.

   Selene Hyunkyung Cruz Hwang-Lee-Mendoza and Sol Hyun Rosa Hwang-Lee-Mendoza," Yeji said.

     There were whispers around the room, but still people clapped as Selene and Sol entered.
    Selene's smile got a little wider as she saw Chohee in a suit at a table with Chan and Changbin.

   Jisung took the mic from Yeji and Yeji went to the dance floor with Niki.

    "Now it is time for the traditional first dance," Jisung said softly.

     Niki and Selene partnered up and Yeji and Sol partnered.

    Soft music began to play.

     It took a moment, but Sol and Selene's breaths caught in their throat.

   Hyunjin's voice was soft coming through the speakers of the venue.

   "He never related to a song more. The first thing he said when he saw you and Sol together was, 'I'll love them for a thousand years and for a thousand more,'. That was when this became the song for you and Sol," Niki told Selene.

     "He sung it to us every night," Selene said with a small sniffle.

   "He loved you and Sol, so much, don't forget that,"

  "I won't,"


    "He came into my studio two weeks before the accident, asked if he could record this cover. It felt like he knew something was wrong," Chan said softly to Changbin.

     "Maybe, he did know something was wrong or going to go wrong," Changbin said.

   Chan hummed, his eyes catching a figure by the door.

  "Fuck," Changbin muttered.

     "Who is that?" Chan asked.

   "It's Jae,"


    "Chan, don't worry about him there is security we can get," Changbin said.

   Chan shook his head, "No, he needs to know this isn't right,"

  Before Changbin could get a word out Chan stood and very discreetly pulled Jae out of the venue.

    "Shit. Chohee, if Selene or Sol ask where Chan and I are tell them we went to the bathroom. If Yeji asks tell her that someone showed up and Chan and I had to deal with it, okay?"

   Chohee nodded and watched Changbin leave the venue.

    Yeji watched the two leave.

     When the song ended Yeji went over to Chohee.

  "Where did Chan and Changbin go?"

  "Someone showed up and they had to deal with it," Chohee said.

     "Okay, uhm, the waltz you need to join Selene. I am going to go find Chan and Changbin because the candle lighting is soon," Yeji said.


     Chohee joined Selene on the dance floor.

  "Hello, darling," Chohee greeted.

  "Hey, where is Yeji going?" Selene asked.

  "She went to go check something outside. Let dance, my princess," the words slipped so effortlessly passed Chohee's lips.

    Selene smiled, "Are you my prince if I'm your princess?"

     "Do you want me to be your prince?" Chohee asked seriously.

   Selene blinked a couple times, "What?"

   "Do you want me to be your prince, Selene?"

   "Yes, I do," Selene said softly.

    Chohee smiled softly, "I would kiss you but your grandmother and aunt are watching, and Yeji could walk in at any moment,"

   Without a thought Selene kissed Chohee softly.

   "Let them see then," Selene whispered.

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