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    Felix bit his lip nervously and he picked at his nails.

   "Felix, are we ready to go?" Melissa another teacher asked.

  "Can we wait a bit longer? Two of my students aren't here yet,"

   "Is it the new students?"

   The blond nodded.

   Melissa pursed her lips, "Yeah, we can wait a bit longer,"

    Hyunjin's red pick-up pulled up and Felix let out a breath.

   The redhead's outfit was a complete 180 from his outfit yesterday. A loose pair of blue jeans and an oversized knit sweater. His red hair was pulled back in a bun with two strands framing his face.

   Felix watched as Hyunjin helped the twins out of the car.

  They were dressed similar to Hyunjin.

     "Hi, guys," Felix said softly.

     "Hey, sorry we are late, we had a belief of a morning," Hyunjin said.

  Felix shook his head, "It is fine, we weren't leaving yet, I just need their forms,"

   Hyunjin handed Felix the folder, "Everything is in there,"

    Felix opened it and took the field trip forms out.


  Melissa came over, "Yes?" Her eyes trailing over Hyunjin as she spoke.

  "These are the forms for my two new students," Felix said, handing her the field trip forms.

   She nodded and took them, her eyes catching the folder.

   "What is that?" She asked.

  "Oh, uhm, just the paperwork for emergencies and stuff,"

      "How about I hold onto that, we wouldn't want a repeat of the zoo incident, would we?"

   Felix pursed his lips and nodded, "Actually, I was about to go give it to Jennie," he said.

    Hyunjin watched the woman wrap her hand around Felix's arm and Felix hold back a wince, as her fake nails dug into his skin.

   "There is important information in there about them, allergies and stuff," she said.

   "Selene, Sol, why don't you two go get on the bus?" Hyunjin said.

    The two nodded and said their goodbyes to Hyunjin.

  Felix pulled away from the woman and rubbed the red marks on his skin.

   Before Hyunjin could speak, Felix spoke, "I believe it is best that we leave this here, as yes we don't need a repeat of that incident at the zoo. As for allergies, I know them because talked to Selene and Sol about them just in case,"

   Melissa pursed her lips and brushed hair away from her face, "Very well, I will see you on the bus," she took one last glance at Hyunjin and walked away.

   "That was very interesting," Hyunjin said with a chuckle.

  "Uhm, yeah…"

    Hyunjin bit his lip and looked at Felix's arm, "Are you okay, though? It looked like she had a pretty good grip on you,"

   Felix pulled his sleeve down at the mention, "Yeah, it is fine honestly, it doesn't even hurt,"

   The redhead nodded, "I have to go do something and I don't want to keep you longer,"

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