
190 16 3

  I do not condone the actions portrayed in this chapter!
Content warning: underage drinking of spicy juice, use of disco biscuits (don't do drugs), sneaking out.
Really wholesome character in this though.


    "Goodnight, Aunt Yeji. Goodnight, Aunt Ryujin," Selene said.

  "Night sweets," Yeji said.

  "Night kid, see you in the morning," Ryujin said, closing the door.

   Waiting a couple minutes, Selene got up and changed out of her pyjamas.

    It was a simple outfit but it was nice and one Yeji nor Ryujin would ever let her leave the house in, at least not at her age.

    She tied her sweater around her waist. Grabbing her shoes and bag, she climbed back on her bed and opened the window.
  She tossed her shoes and bag down first. Carefully, she climbed out of the window and onto the piping. When she finally reached the ground she let out a breath.

  She put her shoes on and grabbed her bag.

   Before Selene could leve she heard voices.

    "Hyunjin most likely knew," Ryujin said.

   "I hate that I jumped to that conclusion. I don't know why I would even think that Felix would do that," Yeji said.

   Selene got a little closer.

   "We didn't know Felix as well as Hyunjin, I mean they spent day and night together, pretty much,"

   "Do you think Selene and Sol knew? I mean if this Jae guy is the person Hyunjin mentioned, then he probably know about the,"

   Selene gripped her sweater and took a soft breath.
   "If they do, they haven't mentioned it, but that is scary to think of," Ryujin muttered.

    "How long did Felix and Hyunjin know each other?" Yeji asked.

   "They met the day after Selene and Sol turned eight, that was October 18th and then everything happened December 20th, so two months, I think. Then they made their relationship official November,"

     Selene pursed her lips and quietly backed away, she didn't need or want to here more.


   "Shit, sorry, it took a minute to leave the house," Selene said, as she got in the car.

   "It's okay, love, the concert doesn't start for an hour," Maya said.

    "Put your seatbelt on I don't need a ticket,"

   "Jer, shush. Sel, do your aunts know you left?"

     "No, and if they found out they would be pissed," Selene said.

   Maya hummed, "Here take this," she said, handing Selene something that looked like candy.

   "What is it? It looks like a smartie,"

    "Oh my gosh, my baby is so innocent. It is E, babe. Ecstasy,"

    "Uhm, Maya, is it even safe for us to take this?" Selene questioned.

  "I would never give you something that I knew wouldn't be safe," the blonde was very serious.

  Without another thought, Selene took the pill.

     "It'll take a minute to kick in, so here drink some of this,"

   She took a drink of the clear liquid, her throat burning, "What the hell?"

   Maya giggled, "Tequila,"

   Jeremy rolled his eyes, "Mom and dad are going to be pissed,"

  "Oh, shut up, you did the same,"

   "That is how I know," Jeremy stated.

  Not ten minutes later they were at the venue and the drug had kicked in leaving both Selene and Maya giggly and slightly buzzed.

    "Don't be dumb," Jeremy called out.

  "Whatever," Maya said.

     The two entered the venue stumbling. Maya showed the guard the tickets and he directed them to the front.

    It was all a blur for Selene, all she could remember is that she had taken another pill with Maya.

    At some point the concert ended and on of the security led them backstage to meet the band

    "Crap, Maya, are you drunk?" One of the band members said.

  "Hi sissy!" Maya giggled.

    Selene's was so out of it she didn't pick up on that.

  "Maya, what the hell did you drink," the older questioned.

  "Mm, tequila and E, so I am having a grand ol' trip. How are you Mia, I missed you?" The blonde slurred.

   "Hey, Maya, it is hot," Selene whined, hanging off her best friend.

  "It is my baby's first time having a trip, she is having a hard time,"

    "Oh my god, Maya, you dumbass, she had E and tequila too? How many pills did you guys take?" Mia questioned.

   "Uhmmm, two?"

  Mia groaned.

  "Mia, I'll take your sister's friend home. Take care of Maya," another girl said.

  "Are you sure?"

  "Yeah, I've gone through one or two trips, I know how to handle it,"

  "Thanks, I need to take this one home now,"

     Selene whined as Mia took maya away.

  "Okay, come on, let's get you home. I'll see you guys tomorrow,"

   "Good luck,"


     "Where do you live?" The other asked, as she got into the car.

    Selene giggled, "You have a pretty accent,"

   "Why thank you, but I really must know where you live,"

  "Ohhhh, I can't go home. My aunts would be very, very, angry. I snuck out of my room,"

   "Oh dear… very well, I will take you to my flat,"

   "Mm, my father would be so disappointed with me if he saw me,"

   "I am sure your father did similar thing when he was your age,"

   Selene laughed softly.

   "I doubt it. My dad was perfect. So was my papa. Sometimes though, I regret helping them get together," Selene said.

    "Why? Where they not happy?"

  "Mm, it was the happiest I had ever seen my dad, but sometimes I think if I hadn't pushed them together they would still be here. My papa would have been just been my third grade teacher, but he'd be alive and so would my dad,"

    The redhead didn't know what to say.

    "It wasn't your fault… sometimes fate is cruel. It had nothing to do with you," she said.

     Soft snores left the blonde.

  A small smile fell on the redhead's lips, "Cute," she whispered.

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