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   little bit of a warning there are mentions of a jackass character in this chapter. I highly dislike this character and wish for him to leave which will happen within the next few chapters.


   "Selene, are you okay?" Maya asked.

   "I'm okay, May," Selene said.

     "Stitches doesn't mean you're fine," Chohee intervened.

    "No, it means that she will be fine though," Yeji said.

   "Mrs. Shin, hi," Maya greeted.

  "Maya, I've known you since you were nine, you can call me Yeji,"

    "I'm sorry about a couple nights ago, next time I will ask you first," Maya apologised.

  "As much as I didn't appreciate you giving her that stuff, it is okay, just don't do it again or I will talk to your parents,"

  Maya nodded.

   "You must be Chohee. We met briefly, I am Yeji Shin, Selene's aunt,"

     Chohee smiled and shook Yeji's hand, "Chohee Mun, it is a pleasure to meet you,"

    "Sol gave me three names for you, why is that?" Yeji asked.

   "Chohee James is what I go by on stage. Mira is my english name and Chohee Mun is my Korean name, I suppose you can say. My full name is Chohee Mira James-Mun,"

    "Am I the only one confused?" Maya asked.

   "How?" Selene asked.

   "She has two different names,"

   Selene nodded, "I do too. Selene is my english name and Hyunkyung is my Korean name,"

    "Mm, I learn something new everyday. Okay, I have to go, I'll text you later, love," Maya said.

   "Wait, you can't stay over tonight?" Selene asked quickly.

  "Nope, my parents what to have a family dinner,"

   Selene nodded and waved as Maya left the hospital room.

    "Hey, if you want, I can stay over tonight," Chohee said.

     The blond smiled and nodded.

   "Are you sure your parents won't mind?" Yeji asked.

  "I live here alone, my parents are in the UK,"

  "Uhm, okay, well, I am going to go make sure that Selene is all set to go. Make you guys have everything," Yeji said.

   The two nodded and Yeji left.

  "You don't have to stay," Selene said softly.

  "I want to. I like the company and I can see something is up," Chohee said, sitting in front of Selene.

   "How can you tell?"

     "You're lips are curved into a smile but it doesn't reach your eyes. It doesn't reach your eyes because your eyes are sad,"

   Selene laughed softly and shook her head, "That doesn't make sense,"

    "Eyes can reveal every emotion, from love to sadness. For you, what I noticed, is that when you are happy, your eyes gleam and the blue gets brighter, but when you are sad there is a dullness to them, like storm clouds covering the sky. The storm going on in your mind is reflected in your eyes," Chohee spoke so softly.

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