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    Was something wrong? Yes, and Hyunjin could see it.

   Felix's smile that usually went up to his eyes was a lot smaller and weaker.

   "Lisa, I have to take this call," Felix said softly.
    "Okay. Hey, is everything okay though?" She asked.

    Felix smiled a little, "Yeah, just getting a little tired,"

     Lisa nodded.

    Felix left the crowded area and answered the phone.

   "What do you want?" He answered.

   "Where are you?"

   Felix sighed, "I'm at work. You need to stop calling me, we aren't together anymore,"

   "Then maybe you should change your locks," Jae said.

    "What?" Felix questioned.

    "Your locks, love, you should change them,"

     "You need to get out of my house right now,"

    "Why? It was my house too," Jae said.

   "Key word, Jae, it was your house, meaning that you don't live there anymore," Felix stated.

    "Don't be like that, love. You know you want me here,"

    Felix scoffed, "I don't want you anywhere near me or my house that I paid for. Get out of it now,"

    "Lixie, don't be so mean, aren't you supposed to be nice because you are a teacher?"

    "I don't need to be nice to you. I don't want to be nice to you," Felix stated.

   "You know what happens when you're not nice, Felix,"

     Felix hung up the phone and took a deep breath, his hands were shaking as he called his brother.

   "Hey, what's up, lix?"

  "Chan, uhm, can you go to my house and get Jae to leave? I would do it but, well you know," Felix said quickly.

   "He's at your house? How did he get in?" Chan asked.

    "I haven't changed my locks yet,"

    "I'll call Bin. You are staying with us tonight, until I can change your locks tomorrow,"

    "I'll be fine at my house," Felix stated.

   "Felix, Jae isn't okay, he hurt you. Now  he knows he has access to your place, I am not risking it," Chan said.

    Felix sighed, "Fine, just bring me some clothes, please,"

    "Okay, I'll see you later than,"

   Felix hung up and closed his eyes.

  "Are you okay? I saw you run out of the speech thing and I was worried," Hyunjin said.

   "Yeah, just some problems at home. How are Selene and Sol liking the museum?" Felix asked.

    "They love it. How are you liking the museum?"

    Felix smiled, "I like it a lot. The artwork it is beautiful," 

    Hyunjin hummed, "Which has been your favourite?"

    Felix thought for a moment.

   "The one with the daisies, I loved it a lot," Felix said.

     "You look beautiful," Hyunjin stated.

   Felix was shocked by the sudden words.

   "Don't look so shocked. I am sure you look beautiful all the time,"

     "Not when I first wake up," Felix stated.

   Hyunjin shook his head, "I think you would look gorgeous when you first wake up. Freckles on full display without anything hiding them,"

    "How did you notice?"

    "I'm an artist. I notice small details and small micro expressions, it comes in handy when you have two kids," Hyunjin said with a chuckle.

   A silence settled between them and for a moment Hyunjin just stood there and admired Felix's features, he wondered what Felix looked like without the makeup covering his freckles. He also might've wondered what it would be like to wake up next to the younger.

    Before he could get any deeper into his thought about the blond, he was snapped out of them.

   "We should go back in there, before the speech ends," Felix said softly.

   Hyunjin nodded agreeing.

    Felix walked back into the room first, Hyunjin in tow, the older trying to shake off the thoughts he had previously, but it was difficult.

     He was starting to wonder if what the twins said was true.


    "Chan, he is just a jerk, okay?" Felix said.

   "A jerk who broke into your house," Chan stated.

    Felix sighed, "I can't be scared of him, okay? He's my ex-husband, I can't let him think he has power over me, I can't let him think that I am still scared of him. I put my life on hold because of him once, I'm not doing it again,"

  Chan took a deep breath and sighed, "Fine, I'll let it go for now, but if it happens again we are doing it,"


    "How has work been?" Chan asked.

   Felix smiled a little, "I got two new students, they are twins and really sweet. Their dad, he, uhm, he is nice, caring and stuff," he said, biting back a bigger smile.

   Chan raised a brow and sat on the bed with Felix.

    "Is there something else about their dad that you seem to be liking? And does it have to do with this jumper that I know isn't yours," Chan questioned.

    "He's a painter, his artwork is up in the museum we went to on the field trip today,"

   "So you spent the whole day with him and his kids,"

    Felix shook his head, "I spent the day with three other teachers and like a hundred students, he just happened to be there,"

    "You spent the day with him and his kids,"

   Felix rolled his eyes.

    "Okay, but what about the jumper?" Chan questioned.

  "It is his. One of the kids spilt her juice and I forgot to bring a spare shirt so he let me borrow this one," Felix explained.

  Chan hummed.

   "The Instagram photos for the museum came out today, since technically speaking this was the start of his exhibition, he was wearing that sweater,"

   Felix pursed his lips.

  "I follow the museum page, because I am one of the contributors," Chan stated.

   "I am going to go shower," Felix said quickly.

   Chan chuckled softly, watching as Felix rushed out of the room.

    "As long as he is happy," Chan whispered to himself.

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