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Many things in the world are bad.

The sun pierced Scarlet's eyes. Her wing ached after flying all day without rest. Her heart hurt. The fire in her cage had been extinguished after a long day. Burn had followed so quickly she could have almost fallen from the sky and disappeared.

Scarlet had nothing left. When she had fled her kingdom under the cover of night, her eldest daughter, Ruby, had taken over her reign. So even though many dragons remained on Scarlet's side, she knew deep down that nobody truly wanted her alive.

"Why have you come to my cave?" she heard a rosy voice whisper, and she descended towards the black cave nestled in a mountain not far from Jade Mountain.

The dragon that had spoken was giant, the color of rose petals, and its emerald green eyes flared as it opened them. Scarlet lifted her chin and said hesitantly, "I just need a place to rest and plan my..." She trailed off. Did she want to seek revenge on Gemstone just because she had betrayed her and refused to fight?

"Yes?" prompted the giant dragon, laying its pink tail over its paws. "I'm listening, SkyWing."

"I-I just want a place to rest, that's all," said Scarlet, lowering her head. This hurt so much more than being scorched by flames. Did she have to give up her dignity and title to find a place for the night?

The rose dragon hummed and motioned with a wing toward the inner part of the cave. "Go in there; there's a warm place inside with water. I'll be out for a while, but don't touch anything, understood?" Scarlet nodded and entered the cave. Soon, she arrived in a chamber where light emanated from luminescent crystals hanging from the walls.

It was one of the most beautiful sights she had ever seen, and Scarlet felt greed rising within her. But, no, she snapped at herself. I can't take anything. This dragon has given me a place for the night, and I won't ruin the chance for revenge by being selfish.

She lay down by the water's edge and extended a talon into the gently lapping waves, cooling herself down.

The crystals hummed with energy, and Scarlet gazed into a huge one that shimmered with alternating shades of blue, red, and green. A King's Ruby, Scarlet thought.

The most exquisite diamonds in the world.

And one I will never be able to obtain. She sighed and wrapped her wings around herself, the torn membranes causing intermittent pain. Her worst injury was over her eye, with red lines and ash marring the scales, rendering her partially blind. She knew she was ugly because she had looked into a puddle as soon as she could after escaping from the palace.

I will never be beautiful again, she thought, feeling the weight of tears, and she cried for a long time, her sobs echoing hollowly.

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