Chapter 8

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Gem felt a shiver flicker inside her, and she clenched her teeth together.

"What was that?" snapped Tsunami, and Gem shook her head. Not even she could hear what it was.

"Let's find out," said Glory, spreading her wings and catching a gust of wind that weaved between her talons as she took off. The others followed, not as gracefully, but they managed to keep up with her nonetheless.

As they flew, Gem saw many strange creatures — birds with large beaks, frogs with vibrant-colored feathers, and even a couple of snakes here and there.

She trembled and flew faster, weaving around a large tree that seemed poised to bring her down and over a branch that resembled a sloth. Glory landed on a platform, and her scales transformed from green to blue and orange.

"It was just some screechers," she said once everyone had landed. Gem snorted little flames and tucked her wings closer to her body. It was clear that she wasn't suited for this environment. Clay smiled and looked around in awe at everything moving around. Gem could clearly see the hunger in his eyes, and she chuckled.

"Just wait here," said Glory as she took off again. Gem sat down, and Clay approached her, placing a brown wing over hers. "Are you okay?" he asked. Gem blinked. "Shouldn't I be?" she asked in return.

Gem flapped her wings, causing both of them to startle. "I'm perfectly fine, okay? I just... I just..." She shook her head and turned away, tucking her tail close to her talons.

No one said anything for a while until Tsunami sighed and approached Gem, but Gem didn't look at her. "Gem, we care about you, I hope you know that," she said. Gem remained silent. Tsunami glanced at the others, and they shrugged in response. Tsunami clenched her teeth together. "We can't help you if you won't tell us what's wrong. Is it your mother, her death, or something else that's making you irritable?"

Gem flicked her tail, wondering if she should tell them about her dream. Should she reveal that her mother wasn't actually dead? What would it do? Would it make them angry at her for failing to kill their greatest enemy?

"Gem?" Tsunami inquired, her voice filled with concern. Gem let out a weary sigh, her gaze meeting Tsunami's earnest eyes. The weight of her revelation pressed heavily upon her, yet she knew she couldn't keep it hidden any longer.

"I... I had a dream, okay," Gem began, her voice tinged with both uncertainty and determination. "A dream that has consumed my thoughts ever since. It's about my mother, ex-Queen Scarlet..."

Her words hung in the air, enveloped by a tense silence. The group gathered around Gem, their expressions a mix of curiosity and apprehension. Gem swallowed hard, her mind racing with the implications of her revelation.

"She... she's not dead," Gem finally uttered, her voice barely above a whisper. "In the dream, I saw her, alive and well."

Gasps escaped the mouths of her companions, their eyes widening in disbelief. The revelation reverberated through the group, each dragon processing the implications in their own way. Tsunami reached out, placing a reassuring fin on Gem's shoulder.

"Gem, are you sure?" Tsunami asked, her voice filled with both hope and caution.

Gem nodded, her eyes fixed on the ground. "I know it sounds impossible, but the dream felt so real. I saw her, I heard her voice... It's like she's out there somewhere, alive."

Conflicting emotions swirled within the group, their thoughts entangled in a web of uncertainty. Doubt, hope, and even a tinge of anger wove together, creating a complex tapestry of emotions.

"We can't ignore this," Clay spoke up, his voice tinged with determination. "If there's a chance that Scarlet is still alive, we need to find out the truth. It's our duty."

The others nodded in agreement, their resolve strengthening with each passing moment. They had faced countless challenges together, but the possibility of Scarlet's survival brought forth an entirely new set of obstacles and uncertainties.

Gem looked at her friends, a mixture of gratitude and worry etched on her face. "Thank you, all of you, for believing me. But we must tread carefully. Scarlet was our greatest enemy, and if she is indeed alive, it could spark chaos and danger beyond anything we've ever faced."

Tsunami stepped forward, her eyes filled with determination. "Gem, we're in this together. We'll support you, and we'll find the truth, no matter what it takes."

With renewed determination, the group set forth on their journey, embarking on a quest to uncover the secrets of Gem's dream and the truth behind the enigma of Queen Scarlet. Little did they know that their path would lead them into uncharted territories, testing their bonds and challenging their beliefs.

The fate of Pyrrhia hung in the balance, as the dragons ventured into the unknown, driven by hope, fear, and the unbreakable bond of friendship.


Morning arrived, and Glory returned with an exuberant expression on her face. She beckoned the others to follow her eagerly, leading them to a massive platform crowded with dragons standing in a neat line. Starflight, ever the practical thinker, questioned, "Shouldn't we also be in line?"

Glory flicked her tail dismissively. "No, come on," she insisted, urging them forward.

They all entered the grand treetop house, and on a low, gracefully shaped balcony, lay a purple dragon adorned with pearlescent lines of blossoms. She was nearly as large as Queen Coral, but slightly smaller, and much more vibrant in color.

"Queen Magnificent, we humbly request that you listen to what we have to say," Starflight said, and Gem had to bite her lip to stifle a laugh. The queen lowered her head and nodded to the NightWing.

"We have brought one of our friends. He is critically injured, and we would greatly appreciate your assistance," Starflight explained, as they gently laid the wounded dragon, Web, on the floor. Gem felt guilt consume her as she witnessed the extent of his injuries.

"Oh, who would think of harming a dragon?" the queen asked, her scales pulsating with flickers of disgust. Gem rolled her eyes in response. "He was stabbed by a SandWing," she explained. Queen Magnificent sighed. "Very well, let's get him to the healing area," she commanded. Two dragons with apricot-colored scales entered the room, lifting Web carefully and carrying him out of the cabin.

"Now," the queen turned back to Gem and her friends, "was that all, or is there anything else you new dragons would like to discuss?" Gem stepped forward. "Actually, I was wondering if we could have a place to spend the night here," she said. Queen Magnificent chuckled and nodded. "Of course, go with Mangrove, and he will provide you with a leafy shelter to sleep in. Go now."

They all looked at a reddish-purple dragon who seemed less than thrilled to be assigned this task. Nevertheless, he urged them to follow him and led them to a large tree with branches resembling the one where Glory had perched in the Sky Kingdom.

Gem hesitated for a moment but eventually lay down on the platform. Mangrove dipped his head briefly before settling down beside her. Gem furrowed her brow, slightly puzzled by his presence, but decided to let him be. The warmth of the sun embraced her scales, and she let out a contented sigh. This was exactly what she needed.

Unbeknownst to her, dreams descended upon Gem like shimmering stars, flickering in the velvet sky of her mind. This time, there were no nightmares lurking behind her eyelids.

Only peace and no danger in sight.

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