Chapter 9

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Flames pricked at her, causing Gem to yelp in pain.

The flames were unbearable, causing Gem to grimace in discomfort.

"Gem," came the soothing voice of Glory, and the young SkyWing opened her eyes. Glory gazed down at her with a calm, reassuring expression, her scales shimmering in a tranquil blend of blue and gold, like gentle waves on a peaceful shore.

"You yelped in your sleep," Glory said. Gem blushed and looked away, feeling a tinge of embarrassment. She had slept poorly under the mountain, but this dragon beside her was practically a stranger to her sleep habits, and Glory wasn't aware of Gem's tendencies.

"Did I wake you up?" Gem asked, glancing back at Glory, but the RainWing shook her head. "I don't sleep much myself here in the sunny patches. Come on, Mangrove has taken the others to the place where his mate, Orchid, was taken," Glory explained. Gem blinked in surprise. "Taken?" she asked, and Glory nodded.

Gem stood up and shook her beautiful wings. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!" She leaped into the air, and Glory followed closely behind, guiding her towards their friends. They landed near a lifeless sloth that seemed to weep tears of life.

The small silver-furred sloth nestled further into the warmth of Glory's scales as it let out a soft chirp. Glory gently stroked its back, offering comfort. Clay and Sunny approached Gem, while Tsunami snored softly from behind them. "Slept long enough, Princess?" Clay teased with a smile.

Gem lifted her snout and refused to meet his gaze. Clay blinked, a hint of confusion evident on his face.

"Well, while you were sleeping," Tsunami began, "we discovered a secret tunnel hidden within a moss-covered stone in the forest nearby. Come and see."

Gem walked over and gasped at the sight of a large black stone nestled in the midst of the forest. A gaping black hole was present within it.

"We know," Starflight muttered, taking a step back from the stone. Gem, on the other hand, leaned closer and heard a strange whistling sound, as if a dragon was soaring through the tunnel.

Gem thought it was impossible, and she dug her claws into the ground, trying to make sense of the mysterious phenomenon before her.

"Come on, we need to get back to the village," Mangrove urged, giving Gem's tail a gentle tug. Gem glanced over at him, and he spread his darkly patterned wings. "Queen Magnificent wants to meet you all again. She found you too intriguing to forget," he explained.

Gem exchanged a glance with her friends but followed as Mangrove took to the air, navigating through the lush green forest. They soon reached the platform where Queen Magnificent awaited them. Her green eyes sparkled as she smiled. "Greetings, Glory," she said, and Glory bowed in response. "You may leave; I have no further business with you," Queen Magnificent added. Glory blinked, and Gem followed her, feeling a chill run through her despite the warmth of the surroundings.

"What do you mean?" Glory asked, her voice filled with confusion. Queen Magnificent waved a talon towards the surrounding forest. "Find a new purpose. I want the princess here," she pointed at Gem, who widened her eyes in disbelief. She didn't want to take anyone's job just because of her status, but what was she supposed to do now?

Glory's ruff flared up, vibrant colors of orange and red flickering through it, and Gem winced at the sudden display of anger and frustration.

She already hated this situation.

"I REFUSE!" Glory hissed, and Queen Magnificent was taken aback. Mangrove echoed the sentiment, and Gem took a step back. This wasn't really her fight.

Clay stopped her. "This is your fight," he whispered, and she looked at him, uncertain. But something in his eyes made her pause and reconsider.

"You can't," Queen Magnificent said, "I am your queen!" Glory scoffed, "You're not even the queen this week, you're just there because no one else cares." Gem listened and tried to make sense of the whole situation. First, they went to the Rainforest to find Glory's family, but then they were tranquilized, and now they were with the RainWings' queen, and she wanted Gem for what? To be a general? But the RainWings didn't look like military dragons at all. They didn't even have the proper physique.

"Okay, listen here," Gem finally spoke up, and both girls turned to look at her. "I don't want to be anyone's general or rarity. We came here to find Glory's family, nothing else. So, Queen Magnificent, I apologize, but I respectfully decline whatever you have in mind for me. I belong with my friends, not by anyone else's side."

Queen Magnificent's expression dimmed, and colors of disappointment rippled through her scales. However, Glory smiled warmly at Gem, who returned the smile and gestured with a wing towards the others. "Come on, Glory, let's find Jambu. I know he's more familiar with this forest than we are." And with that, they took off from the queen's platform, leaving behind a disappointed but understanding queen.


Exhausted and weary, Gem lay down on the sleeping platform once again. Mangrove had joined them and lay beside her, emanating warmth as she felt the weariness seep into her bones. At that moment, Gem was too tired to feel anything other than the heavy weight of exhaustion.

Her friends lay scattered around, some piled on top of each other, while others rested close by. No one was lying next to her. Gem let out a small burst of flames, watching as it flickered and danced before her gaze shifted upward. She observed the great warriors of old, sprinting across the sky. She wondered if her parents once ran among them, alongside Kestrel.

As she stretched her wings, sore from flying for half the day, a pang of longing surged within her. I miss her, she thought, reminiscing about Kestrel. The memory of her mother's presence lingered, filling her heart with a mix of sadness and nostalgia. Despite the ache in her wings, Gem found solace in the thought that Kestrel's spirit might still be watching over her, guiding her through the challenges ahead.

Mangrove's question pulled Gem's attention back to the present moment. She glanced at his golden scales, their gentle glow casting a warm light. "Bare så vidt," she replied, her voice tinged with weariness. The events of the day and the thoughts that weighed on her mind made it difficult for her to find rest. She nestled closer to Mangrove, seeking comfort in his presence, and closed her eyes, hoping that sleep would eventually find her.

Gem and Mangrove lay together in silence for a while, finding solace in each other's presence. However, the tranquility of the night was soon disrupted by an ominous flickering in the distance. Gem narrowed her eyes, trying to discern the source of the disturbance, while Mangrove's tail wrapped around her reassuringly, urging her not to worry. "Don't pay it any mind," he whispered. "It's just the monsters that roam the night." Gem blinked in disbelief. Monsters? It seemed impossible. The purple dragon didn't say anything more, and soon Gem drifted back to sleep, her mind still filled with questions and a hint of unease.

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