Chapter 15

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As the royal challenge commenced, Gem watched from the sidelines, her role solely to offer support and cheer for Glory. The three tasks were set, beginning with the flower hunt, followed by hide and seek, and then the unknown third task, which Gem couldn't quite comprehend. Nonetheless, she didn't question it, as this wasn't her game to play. Her purpose was to honor and encourage Glory.

Queen Thorn, with an air of solemnity, opened her collar to reveal the vibrant orange color and the hovering apricots, signaling the start of the challenge. The dragonets sprang into action, each tackling their assigned tasks. Tamarin excelled in the flower hunt, displaying her agility and knowledge of the rainforest.

Then came the hide and seek portion. The RainWings performed admirably, and Gem had to resist her primal instincts to unleash her fiery powers upon Queen Blaze, who struggled with the heat. Gem reminded herself that she was here as a spectator, not a participant, and refrained from interfering, even though it pained her to see Glory at a disadvantage.

Finally, the challenge concluded, and Glory emerged victorious, crowned as the new queen of the RainWings. Gem couldn't help but feel a sense of joy and warmth throughout the day, witnessing her friend's triumph and seeing the bond between Glory and ex-queen Grandeur.

But their celebration was interrupted as they crouched together at the entrance to the tunnel, their anticipation hanging thick in the air. Suddenly, without warning, a chameleon lunged forward, swift and deadly, its claws tightly wrapped around the neck of a dragon, eliciting hisses of pain. Gem's mind raced, recognizing the assailant as Deathbringer. She had been awaiting this moment, yet she noticed the absence of his usual throwing stars, wondering why he hadn't already killed her or brandished a weapon.

A flicker of unease passed through Gem, but she steeled herself, clutching her halo and baring her lethal fangs, ready to defend herself and her friends. The time for action had arrived, and she stood prepared to face Deathbringer, determined to protect those she held dear.


Gem's golden shimmer intensified as she glared at Deathbringer, refusing to be swayed by his charming smile. The air crackled with tension as she awaited his response, her instincts on high alert.

Deathbringer's smile faltered for a moment, his black eyes meeting Gem's fiery gaze. "I'm not here to kill you," he finally admitted, his voice lacking its usual confidence. "I came to warn you."

Gem's expression remained skeptical, her scales still bristling with suspicion. "Warn me? About what?"

"There's a plot," Deathbringer began, choosing his words carefully. "A plot against you and your friends. Queen Scarlet... she wants you dead, but not all of us agree with her. Some of us... we're on your side."

Gem's eyes widened in surprise, the flames within her momentarily extinguished by confusion. "Why would anyone be on our side? And why are you telling me this?"

Deathbringer sighed, his gaze flickering with a mix of regret and determination. "Because I've seen what you're capable of, Gem. I've witnessed your strength and your compassion. You're not like your mother, and some of us believe that you deserve a chance."

Gem's skepticism wavered, a glimmer of hope breaking through her defenses. She wanted to trust him, but caution still held her back. "Why should I believe you? How do I know this isn't a trick?"

"I understand your hesitation," Deathbringer acknowledged, his tone earnest. "But if you want to survive, if you want to protect your friends and uncover the truth, you'll need allies. And right now, I'm offering you one."

Gem contemplated his words, her mind racing with the weight of the decision before her. She couldn't deny the danger that loomed over them, nor could she ignore the possibility of a reluctant ally in Deathbringer. Reluctantly, she nodded. "Fine. But remember, one wrong move and I won't hesitate to turn against you."

Deathbringer nodded in agreement, his smile replaced with a determined expression. "I understand. We have a common enemy, Gem. Let's work together to bring them down."

And with that fragile truce established, Gem and Deathbringer began their uneasy alliance, united by the shared goal of survival and the unraveling of the dark plot that threatened them all.


Gem had definitely not expected this of all things, but she didn't complain.

Her wings were shaking for some reason as she stood in front of Glory, who was giving her eyes that clearly told her that she did not like this at all.

"So remind me again, why are we working with the dragon that once sought to annihilate us?" Glory questioned, her voice laced with skepticism. Gem let out a weary sigh, her iridescent wings trembling slightly. "Because he has renounced his past intentions," she responded, her tone tinged with hope. Glory emitted a scoffing laugh, her scales shimmering with shades of ashen gray and ominous black. "Oh, sure. And I suppose when I begin placing my trust in Nightwings, I'll be promoted to queen of the universe."

Gem steeled her expression, determination shining in her eyes, while Deathbringer rolled his eyes in mock exasperation. "Your Majesty, I am more trustworthy than any of my kind," he promised, his voice carrying a hint of sincerity. Starflight let out an indignant squawk, but Clay quickly hushed him, sensing the tension in the air.

"Sure, sure," Glory waved a dismissive talon, her scales shifting into a disinterested shade of grey. "Now, what do you know more about Scarlet's plan to kill her daughter?" Gem's entire body tensed, a mixture of guilt and anxiety flooding her thoughts. And then, as she had feared, Deathbringer began divulging every detail, like a twisted echo of the actions Gem had taken with her mother — capturing her within a fiery prison. It had been the worst choice she had ever made. Not only had she lost her mother, but she had also gained a formidable enemy, one who would stop at nothing until Gem's blood stained the ground.

When Deathbringer finished speaking, a heavy silence hung in the hut, and Glory, pinching the bridge of her nose with two claws, muttered, "Stupid." She then spread her wings, turning to Tsunami, who lowered her head respectfully before the queen. "Send out a patrol to ensure no one infiltrates here, and resume your training," Glory commanded. Tsunami nodded, beckoning Mangrove to join her, and the two dragons swiftly departed, leaving the others to their planning. Gem felt a wave of dizziness washing over her, her temples throbbing with pain. She didn't want to kill her own mother, but if she didn't, the ex-queen Scarlet would destroy Pyrrhia. Sometimes, the fate of the continent weighed heavier than one's own family.

Deathbringer noticed Gem's distress and gently placed one wing against hers, offering a comforting gesture. Gem smiled at him gratefully but quickly averted her gaze, focusing intently on her talons. "Gem?" Glory's sharp voice snapped her back to the present, causing her to jump slightly. She blinked and then smiled at Glory, although her tone sounded somewhat subdued. "Yes, my queen," she replied, her voice tinged with melancholy.

The hut had a deep green hue, providing shade from the sun while also capturing the warmth of the surrounding air within its leafy confines. A curtain of flowers served as the entrance, and Gem slipped inside, with Deathbringer following closely behind. She settled down on her nest and curled her tail around herself, seeking comfort and solace. Deathbringer smiled gently and gave her a tender nudge. "Good night, sleep well," he whispered softly. Gem returned the smile, her eyes growing heavy, and soon she closed her eyes, succumbing to the embrace of sleep.

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