Chapter 11

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Gem shivered, despite the searing heat that enveloped the Kingdom of Sand.

This was her worst nightmare, to find herself in the treasury of the SandWings, surrounded by the possessions that were considered treasures by Queen Burn. But Gem knew deep down that she would never be one of those treasures, no matter what happened. Surely, her mother wouldn't give her away like that, would she? Doubt and concern gnawed at her as she navigated the unfamiliar territory.

She hissed softly, her attention drawn by something she sensed — a calling that seemed to emanate from a distant, northern direction. Intrigued and driven by curiosity, Gem felt a pull towards whatever awaited her there. With a mix of apprehension and determination, she decided to follow that calling, venturing towards the unknown in search of answers and purpose.

Her wings shimmered with golden sparks as they brushed against the sandy surface, propelling Gem into the sky. The radiant sun, a glowing star above her, adorned the sky as she embarked on a journey towards the north — the domain of the Ice Kingdom. It was a place unfamiliar to SandWings and SkyWings alike, leaving Gem with lingering uncertainty about her reasons for going there. Her friends needed her back in the Rainforest, so why didn't she turn around and fly back? The question nagged at her, but a deep-seated curiosity and a sense of purpose propelled her forward, urging her to uncover the mysteries that awaited her in the frigid north.

As Gem soared through the sky, her wings suddenly started to ache, causing her immense discomfort. Strange visions of heat-formed dragons flickered in her mind, further distracting her. The pain intensified, and her wings began to fail her, causing her descent towards the ground. Panic gripped her as she realized that the scorching desert climate was not meant for her. She was meant for the cool skies of the Sky Kingdom, not the searing heat of the desert. With a hiss of determination, she flapped her wings with renewed vigor, desperately trying to keep herself aloft. She couldn't afford to fail now, not when there were friends to please, friends to save, and friends who needed her help. And, of course, there were those mysterious dragons known as RainWings awaiting her assistance as well.

Despite the pain and the struggle to keep herself airborne, Gem felt an undeniable pull in her chest, a persistent calling that urged her to press onward. It was as if someone or something desired her presence in that distant place. The relentless tugging in her chest fueled her determination, overriding the physical discomfort and the doubts that plagued her mind. There was an unseen force at work, and Gem couldn't ignore it. With grit and resolve, she pushed herself forward, determined to uncover the purpose behind the beckoning call that seemed to guide her every wingbeat.

Exhausted, Gem reached the edge of the Ice Kingdom and descended in a spiraling motion, her wings heavy with fatigue. She flopped onto the icy ground, managing to land without spraining anything. Sleep eluded her, despite her body's desperate need for rest. Instead, she patiently waited for whoever had called her to reveal themselves. Hours passed, and finally, a blurry figure appeared on the distant horizon. Straining to stand up, Gem's nostrils flared as she tried to capture the scent of the approaching dragon. In the darkness, she could tell it wasn't an IceWing, for which she was grateful. She fervently hoped that this encounter would shed light on the purpose of her journey.

The black dragon descended gracefully, a grin spreading across his face, revealing his NightWing heritage. His eyes, black with a green sparkle, caught the faint light of the desert landscape. "Hello, Gemstone of the SkyWings. Finally, we meet," he greeted her, his voice as smooth as the shifting dunes behind her. Gem let out a sigh, rising to her feet and shaking off the sand and snow that clung to her scales like a second skin.

"Who are you?" Gem asked, her voice filled with apprehension. The NightWing smirked and extended a talon towards her. Gem noticed something glinting in his grasp, but before she could react, she found herself pinned down, her wings splayed on the ground and her talons restrained above her head. Fear coursed through her as she met the NightWing's gaze.

"I'm Deathbringer, my dear," he hissed, his smirk widening. Gem winced as her realization dawned upon her. This dragon was an assassin, sent to kill her. She had unknowingly walked right into his clutches.


Gem glared back at Deathbringer, refusing to show any signs of fear or weakness. "I don't swoon for dragons who try to kill me," she retorted defiantly, her voice laced with determination. Deathbringer chuckled, undeterred by her defiance, and pressed the edge of the throwing star against her wrist. The sharp blade pierced her scales, drawing a trickle of golden and fiery blood. Gem gritted her teeth, refusing to give him the satisfaction of seeing her pain.

"i just had to try this princess im sorry if i hurt your feelings but not everyone wnat you to be alive my buyer is sepfiectly adamnt about htat youve been too much trouble for her already" 

Gem's eyes narrowed as she listened to Deathbringer's words, her instincts telling her to be cautious. She realized that her presence had stirred trouble, and someone had gone to great lengths to ensure her demise. Despite the pain and danger she faced, a fire ignited within her.

"Well, Deathbringer, it seems your buyer has underestimated my determination to survive," she replied, her voice tinged with defiance. "I won't be so easily taken down. You can tell her that." Gem's resolve hardened as she prepared herself for whatever challenge lay ahead, refusing to let fear dictate her actions.

As Deathbringer raised an eyebrow in surprise, an unexpected turn of events unfolded. Gem felt a surge of power and determination, and suddenly, a blast of searing fire erupted from her, propelling Deathbringer away. He yelped in surprise and hastily threw himself out of harm's way, stumbling over a dune in his retreat. Gem's eyes blazed with newfound strength as she stood her ground, ready to defend herself against any further threats.

"Don't come back!" Gem called out defiantly as Deathbringer hastily flew away, his wings beating furiously to extinguish the fire that had caught on his tail. But then, without warning, a wave of exhaustion washed over Gem, overwhelming her. Her body, pushed to its limits, could no longer sustain her. With a heavy thud, she collapsed onto the ground, succumbing to her fatigue. The events had taken a toll on her, and she would need time to recover and regain her strength.

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