Chapter 4

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Gem stood up, her head pounding. The dream from last night had been etched into her memory lane, and now it wouldn't leave her mind.

Archelon glanced up as he noticed her movement, quickly rushing to her side. "Whoa, easy there. You're not quite ready to depart this place," he cautioned. Gem snorted, gracefully extending her wings and assessing her wound. The SeaWings had truly done a remarkable job; it felt perfectly fine. "I assure you, Arch, I am well. No need to worry," she reassured him with a regal tone.

Archelon shook his head, turning to Posadion. "We, uh, couldn't let you leave," he said, and Posadion nodded, spreading his wings to reveal the royal talon pattern underneath.

Gem gave the two a glare, her glowing eyes radiating a fierce intensity. "And why is that?" she asked.

The two Seawings looked at each other, exchanging a glance before brandishing their swords. "We weren't really guards, in fact," Archelon said, pointing his twin-edged sword at Gem, who growled in response. "We are assassins for Queen Blister. She wants you dead."

Gem reared her head back, smoke curling out from her nostrils. "So, that's why you were here. I never thought I would even meet some bong-headed assassins. Usually, they kill on sight, you know," she hissed. Archelon sighed. "I know," he said. "But I couldn't kill you right away. Posadion here suggested that if we inform Queen Blister, she might forgive us for not killing you in the Kingdom of the Sea. However, she didn't, and now we have to kill you."

Gem wasted no more time on talking. She swiftly attacked, her talons scratching Archelon's snout and nearly severing it, reopening the long, jagged scar that ran there before. Then, with a powerful smack, she sent Posadion crashing into the wall of the seastack. Gem snapped her wings shut as a sword levitated from Posadion's claws. He was an animus. Well, this will just make it worse, Gem thought, baring her teeth, her golden veins pulsing.

Gem leaped out of the way as the sword charged towards her. She attempted to make her way towards the entrance, but a talon tightly gripped her tail, yanking her back. In a swift motion, the sword found its mark, lodging itself into Gem's shoulder, paralyzing it. Gem roared in a mix of pain and fury, unleashing her fire, which engulfed the room in a scorching inferno, rendering it unbearable for the Seawings.

"AHH, I CAN'T FEEL MY WINGS!" roared Archelon, clawing at his face and reopening his wounds. Gem sighed, wincing as the fire licked her tail. However, as the flames enveloped her, she felt no pain at all. She emerged from the burning stone formation unscathed, leaving it smoldering behind her.

Taking a deep breath, Gem flapped her wings forcefully, heading towards the Summer Palace. It was the only place she felt safe for now, a refuge where she could confront Blister herself if the foolish SandWing dared to launch an attack against her.

She crashed through the canopy overhead, startling every Seawing in the vicinity. Roaring, she skillfully evaded the branches that snagged at her wings and made a beeline towards the cave where her friends were. How she knew the way, I cannot say.

When Gem grasped the lip of the cave and landed gracefully, her friends gasped. "Gem!" they cried, and Sunny leaped off her ledge, running to embrace Gem. Gem smiled and wrapped her wings around the smaller dragonet.

"You've returned," Sunny whispered, nuzzling her snout into Gem's chest. Gem let out a soft chuckle and gently kissed the top of Sunny's head. "Indeed, Sunny. I have come back, and I shall remain here with all of you." She lifted her gaze to the others, her expression turning concerned as she realized Tsunami was missing. "Where is Tsunami?" she inquired, a frown tugging at the corners of her mouth.

Glory slithered over Gem's scales, her scales flashing green and red. "She's not here, too busy with her royal duties, I'm afraid," she said.¨

"Are you sure?" Gem asked, her voice tinged with disbelief. Glory nodded solemnly and settled down, her long tail curling around her talons. "I'm afraid so, Gem. Queen Coral sent out a searching party for you, and they just returned." Gem let out a heavy sigh and stepped back from Sunny, turning her back to reveal the long healed wound that marred her scales. It had transformed into a scar, a constant reminder of the ordeal she had endured.

"Are you alright?" Starflight asked, coming over and peering at the scar with concern. Gem smiled and folded her wings back. "For now, yes. The fire healed me. I will tell you all about it when Tsunami arrives. This is a story for all of you," she said, then wrapped her wings around Sunny and Starflight. She smiled at Clay, who approached as best as he could, his talons chained to the ground.

Gem gave Clay a worried look, then walked over to Sunny and Starflight, still keeping them sheltered under her wings. She twined her tail with Clay's and sat down beside him. Glory approached and leaned her head on Gem's chest, finding solace in their reunion. However, Gem couldn't shake the concern for Tsunami, who was still missing. I just hope that we will find her and bring her back, Gem thought, her determination burning in her eyes.

Then Gem settled down, feeling the comforting presence of her friends surrounding her. She closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep, finding solace in their presence, just as she had always preferred it.

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