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 "I hate this place," Flame said, glowering at the dark rock dust between his claws. "Hate, hate, hate it."

"I hate it more," Squid moaned. He coughed gloomily. "My scales feel so dry. My talons hurt. And I'm hungry."

"I hate that big old stupid horrible NightWing," Viper hissed.

"I can't believe my dad let him take me." Squid edged to the mouth of the cave and stared at the smoky sky as if hoping Nautilus would appear suddenly, winging to his rescue.

"Oh, stop," Fatespeaker said, flicking her tail. "It's not that bad."

It was terrible, but she wouldn't admit it to these four. She had never imagined that the Night Kingdom — her kingdom — would be so dark and smelly and that all the dragons here would be incredibly cranky. It was as if being the most awesome dragons in the world didn't even make them happy.

She was home, and Morrowseer said she was part of a prophecy, which was even more awesome than being a NightWing. So what was there to complain about?

"I want to die," Ochre groaned. The MudWing dragonet had been lying on the cave floor practically the entire day since they'd been dumped here by Morrowseer.

"I want you to die, too," Flame volunteered.

"You smell ghastly," Viper agreed.

"I don't think I should have eaten that dead thing," Ochre mumbled. He paused, then added, "Or all of your dead things."

"Well, I wasn't going to eat it," Squid said snootily. "We are on an island. I think someone should be able to bring me a fresh fish, considering who my father is and that I'm a dragonet of destiny. I mean, really."

Fatespeaker shifted on her paws uncomfortably. She hadn't liked the look of what the grumpy NightWings had brought them to eat, either. Why was everything so decayed and horrible-smelling?

Have a vision, she told herself. That'll make you feel better.

She closed her eyes, scrunched up her forehead, and concentrated as hard as possible.

"I foresee —" she said in a portentous tone.

"No!" shouted Viper.

"Spare us," Squid cried.

"Aaaaaarrrrrrgh," Ochre moaned.

"Now I want you both to die," said Flame.

"Oh, shush," Fatespeaker said with her eyes still closed. "I'm using my POWERS. Behold! I foresee a . . . walrus! A walrus in our future! An entire walrus for us to eat!"

"Why are you torturing me?" Ochre wailed.

"We hardly ever had walrus, even when we lived next to the sea," Squid pointed out.

"Even though you predicted we would just about every week," Viper added sourly.

"My visions are not always precise," Fatespeaker said breezily. "It does not say when this walrus will arrive, only that it will, and then we shall feast. And everything will be wonderful again."

"When has it ever been wonderful before?" Flame snarled.

"Do us a favor and stop sharing your stupid powers with us," Viper snapped.

Grumpy, ungrateful lizards. Fatespeaker sat down in the mouth of the cave and turned up her snout, ignoring everyone. If they couldn't appreciate the gifts she bestowed upon them, WELL THEN FINE, she would keep her visions to herself until she had another great one, anyway.

The Night Kingdom volcano stretched below her, dark, ragged, and swarming with black dragons. There weren't nearly as many NightWings as she'd expected. It felt more like the Talons of Peace camp than a whole kingdom. But the dragonets hadn't exactly been given a tour. They hadn't even been taken to the big fortress, which Fatespeaker assumed was where the queen lived. Nor had they been introduced to the NightWing queen. Or anyone. Morrowseer had stuffed them in this high cave and stomped away again.

Fatespeaker squinted down at the black-sand beach in the distance. A cave was set into the cliff; earlier, she'd seen several dragons swoop into it. They were coming out again and had a NightWing dragonet in their talons.

He looked about the same age as Fatespeaker, and he was unconscious. His wings drooped, and his claws dragged in the sand.

Her scales began to tingle in a way that she was sure meant a sign from the universe.

There was something important about that dragonet.

"I'm having ANOTHER VISION," she announced.

The bones left over from Ochre's dinner splatted on the ledge beside her. She was lucky that Squid didn't have perfect aim.

"I'm just letting you know I'm NOT TELLING YOU ABOUT IT," she said. "Even though I'm sure it's VERY SIGNIFICANT."

The others ignored her, which they did way too often.

Well, it didn't matter.

She was home with her kind now. She had a destiny to follow. And she was sure the unconscious dragonet, who was now being carried into the fortress, would be part of it.

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