Chapter 5

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"So you guys are the Dragonets of Destiny," hissed Blister, her forked tongue flickering in and out of her mouth. "We are, and what can you do with that?" Gem sneered, her tongue not staid, for she did not fear the mysterious SandWing.

Blister raised an eyebrow and approached Gem, who stared back at her equally. "You aren't scared of me, interesting," she said.

Gem nodded at Blister, causing the SandWing to step back, her venomous tail shivering. "Queen Coral, my friend, what is a RainWing doing in your midst?" Blister asked. Queen Coral looked at Glory and shrugged, saying, "I'm sure she isn't that bad. She's just a RainWing, right?"

Blister snorted, "She is a RainWing, but I do not trust other dragons. You are the only one. Bring her away immediately."

Queen Coral blinked, her eyes shimmering with uncertainty. "Why must we bring her away, Blister?" she asked, her voice tinged with genuine curiosity. Tsunami and Gem exchanged triumphant glances, their expressions glowing with anticipation. At last, Queen Coral seemed to break free from the chains of manipulation, asserting her independent thoughts.

"Glory has posed no danger to us or our kingdom," Queen Coral continued, her tone growing more confident. Her daughter, Princess Anemone, watched her with a proud smile, admiring her mother's newfound courage. The scales on Anemone's wings shimmered in agreement, echoing the shared understanding between her and Gem.

Blister's facade wavered, her eyes narrowing with frustration. The SandWing struggled to find a convincing retort, but the truth had woven its way into Queen Coral's mind, strengthening her resolve. The tides of change were crashing against the shores of their kingdom, and Queen Coral had finally chosen to navigate her path.

Glory smiled and respectfully dipped her head to Queen Coral. "Thank you, Your Majesty," she said, gratitude shining in her eyes. Then, turning to Blister, she stepped forward, her jaws working with determination. "You think underestimating me is enough just because you may have been the one we would have chosen. I am a Dragonet of Destiny, whether you like it or not," she hissed, her voice laced with defiance.

Blister narrowed her eyes, a flicker of anger crossing her face. Then, without warning, she whirled around, nearly knocking Glory over with her venomous barb, and walked away in a display of arrogance and frustration.

Gem stepped up to Queen Coral, addressing her with reverence. "Your Majesty," she began, and Queen Coral turned her gaze towards her, a warm smile on her face. "Do you think that we might be able to leave this kingdom safely? I don't want any assassins after us," Gem expressed her concern.

Queen Coral's smile widened, her eyes filled with assurance. She nodded in response. "I promise you, no SeaWing will leave the palace to search for you. Your safety is my utmost priority," she declared, her voice conveying determination and protection.

"Thank you," Gem expressed her gratitude before returning and turning to her friends. "We have other kingdoms to visit. So let's leave," she declared, determination glimmering in her eyes. Her friends nodded in agreement, and they all came together in a heartfelt group hug, their bond strengthening with each passing moment.

Unbeknownst to them, cold black eyes observed their every move from behind a veil of impenetrable season. A hidden threat lingered, ready to disrupt their journey, yet they remained blissfully unaware of the lurking danger that awaited them.


Gem and her friends were packing when Riptide stumbled over, his body covered in countless wounds. He clutched his father's web, who was also injured. Tired and panting heavily, Riptide struggled to speak.

"Blister... she tried to kill me but only hit my father. So I managed to escape unscathed," Riptide explained urgently. "Please, I must take him to the SeaWing healers immediately."

Concern and worry filled the air as Gem, and the others realized the gravity of the situation. Then, without hesitation, they sprang into action, assisting Riptide in getting his injured father to the safety and care of the SeaWing healers, their determination unwavering in the face of adversity.

"But they don't know how to heal SandWing poison," Starflight said, his wings trembling with worry. Gem brushed her wings against his, offering comfort. "We can go to the Rainforest. I'm sure the RainWings know how to counteract the venom from a SandWing," Gem suggested, her voice filled with determination.

Glory tensed at the mention of the RainWings, her expression clouded with unresolved emotions. Gem glanced over at her; concern etched on her face. "Are you alright?" she asked, her voice filled with genuine care, knowing that the RainWings held a complicated place in Glory's heart.

Glory nodded, her gaze fixed upon Webs, the trembling SeaWing. The poison's grip tightened, spreading its tendrils like webbed wings.

"We can go," Glory replied, her tone tinged with uncertainty. "But from what I know, there's no known antidote for venom from a Desert Dragon."

Gem nodded, extending her wings in determination. "Anyway, we need to get there right now. We don't have any other choice," she asserted. Glory and the rest of the group approached Webs, swiftly bundling him in makeshift strips and applying saltwater to his steadily spreading wounds tainted with black venom. Queen Coral, concerned, inquired, "Is there anything I can do to help?"

Gem turned to Queen Coral, her expression serious. "You can ensure that Blister remains confined within this kingdom. We cannot allow her to conspire with whomever she's involved. Lock her up, keep her away from your subjects, and take care of Whirlpool. He harbors intentions different from what you may expect," she advised. Then, with a dip of her head, Gem took flight, her friends following suit, leaving the queen and her daughters behind.

Once airborne, a collective sigh of relief escaped their lips. "Well, that was a disappointment," Tsunami remarked, expressing her discontent. Gem wore a pained expression. "Yeah, I'm sorry it didn't turn out better for you, Tsunami," she apologized sincerely.

The princess shook her head, her disappointment evident. "It's better to see that my mother was too good to be true," she admitted a touch of sadness in her voice.

Gem nodded, determination filling her eyes as she soared above the streaking red sky. The blurring night she descended, accompanied by the faint pink hues of evening reluctantly trailing behind. It would be a chilly night, but Gem would be with her friends, never again forsaking them for her petty emotions. Never again.

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