Chapter 14

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Gem stirred awake to the melodic chirping of birds and the gentle caress of the wind. Letting out a soft sigh, she rose to her feet, shedding the leaves that had accumulated around her during her slumber.

Casting her gaze upon her friends who still peacefully slept, a wave of gratitude washed over Gem. She cherished their presence, and in that moment, she resolved to remain by their side for the foreseeable future. After all, why would she leave the safety and companionship they offered?

Yet, a disquieting thought pierced her mind, causing her wing to tremble involuntarily. The realization struck her with a pang of anxiety. She was a princess of the SkyWing throne, and with that title came a level of vulnerability and potential enemies. The notion that someone might be seeking to harm her settled heavily in her thoughts.

Oh no, Gem whispered, her voice filled with concern. She couldn't ignore the possibility, and a sense of unease settled within her core. She knew she had to confront the looming question of who would want to harm her and why. The tremor in her wing only served as a reminder of the weight of the unknown that lay ahead.

Gem turned to face Sunny, her expression guarded yet tinged with vulnerability. "It's nothing, Sunny," she repeated, her voice gentle but strained. "Just go back to sleep, please."

Sunny, however, was not easily dissuaded. Her eyes narrowed with concern as she observed Gem closely. "Gem, we've been through so much together, especially during our time under the mountain," she insisted, her tone filled with determination. "We've shared our fears and secrets. Why won't you share yours? What's really going on?"

Gem's resolve wavered, her features betraying a flicker of pain before she quickly composed herself. She couldn't let Sunny see her weakness, not when she had always been the one providing strength and support to others. She turned away from Sunny, her voice tinged with a mix of determination and resignation. "I can't burden you with this, Sunny. I need to be there for all of you, not the other way around."

Sunny's gaze softened, her voice filled with empathy. "Gem, we're a team, and that means supporting each other through the good and the bad. You don't have to face this alone. We're here for you, no matter what."

Gem hesitated, her inner struggle evident. She took a deep breath, realizing that the weight on her shoulders was too heavy to bear alone. With a mixture of relief and vulnerability, she finally relented. "Alright, Sunny," she whispered, her voice laced with gratitude. "I'll... I'll tell you what's been troubling me. But please, promise me that you won't worry too much."


Gem wiped away the tears that streamed down her muzzle, seeking solace in the warmth of her wing wrapped around Sunny. "That wasn't so hard, was it?" she whispered, her voice trembling with vulnerability.

Gem sniffled and shook her head, her expression filled with remorse. "I'm sorry I've kept this secret for so long, but I know who wants to kill me," she confessed, her voice heavy with the weight of her revelation. Sunny's eyes widened in disbelief.

"What... who?" she exclaimed, her voice filled with shock. Gem took a deep breath, summoning the courage to share the truth. "It's my mother," she revealed, her tone laced with a mixture of sadness and determination.

Sunny's confusion deepened. "But Queen Scarlet is dead," she protested, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

Gem flapped her wings with a sense of urgency. "She survived," she declared, her voice firm. Sunny's whimpers began to escape, and Gem instinctively enveloped her in her wings, providing comfort and reassurance, her own stars speckled with weariness. "There's something else I need to tell all of you," Gem continued, her tone serious.

The rest of their friends began to stir, their gazes fixed upon Gem. Sensing the gravity of the moment, Starflight inquired, his voice trembling with unease. "What is it, Gem?"

Gem locked eyes with each of them, her gaze steady and resolute. "Queen Scarlet is alive, and she's planning to kill us all, especially me," she revealed, her voice carrying the weight of the impending danger.


The square fell into a stunned silence as Gem's roar reverberated through the air, commanding attention and quelling the chaos. With trembling voices and fearful expressions, her friends turned their gaze towards her, awaiting her words.

Gem took a deep breath, her voice steady yet filled with underlying emotions. "Stop, all of you!" she declared, her tone authoritative. The surrounding dragons paused, their own fears momentarily subdued by her commanding presence.

With a sense of urgency, Gem continued, her words pouring forth. "Yes, my mother is alive. I've seen her in a dream, accompanied by a mysterious visitor using a spiky crystal, likely a dream visitor," she explained, her voice tinged with a mix of apprehension and determination. "But what's important now is that she has sent an assassin after us. His name is Deathbringer, and we must act swiftly to protect ourselves before he finds us."

Tsunami, her voice laced with skepticism, questioned the validity of their safety. "And how do we know he hasn't found us already?" she growled, her concern palpable. Gem met her gaze, her eyes filled with a glimmer of assurance. "Because he hasn't entered the rainforest yet," she replied, her voice carrying a touch of relief. "We are safe here, for now."

Gem's resolve solidified, and a determined smile crossed her face. "I'm done running. We will face this threat together," she declared, her words filled with conviction. Her friends enveloped her in their tails and wings, their show of solidarity and support bringing warmth and comfort to Gem's weary soul.

"We'll be together until the end of time, right?" Gem smiled, her voice filled with both vulnerability and unwavering determination.

Her friends returned her smile, their own eyes shining with determination. They embraced one another, united in anticipation of the challenges that lay ahead. Together, the dragonets of Prophecy would face whatever awaited them, drawing strength from their unbreakable bond.

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