Chapter 13

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Gem sighed, her iridescent scales shimmering in the sunlight as she watched Glory pace back and forth on the platform. Angry flares of orange and red flickered across Glory's powerful wings, reflecting the intensity of her frustration.

"Why did she even forget things like that?" Glory flared, her voice laced with exasperation.

Gem clicked her claws on the metallic trestuff beneath her, contemplating how to respond. She understood Glory's frustration. Forgetting important matters could have serious consequences, especially considering their current circumstances.

"Glory," Gem began gently, her voice filled with empathy, "we all have our moments of forgetfulness. It's possible that she's been under a lot of stress lately, and it may have affected her memory. We need to be patient and understanding."

Glory huffed, her scales bristling with a mix of anger and concern. "But we're facing a critical situation, Gem! We can't afford mistakes."

Gem nodded, her eyes filled with determination. "You're right, Glory. The situation is dire, but getting angry won't solve anything. Let's try to find a solution together. Perhaps we can create reminders or develop a system to help her remember important details. We're a team, and we'll support each other through this."

Glory's fiery aura began to calm, and she regarded Gem with a mix of gratitude and acceptance. "You're right, Gem. We are a team, and it's essential to stick together. Let's find a way to help her and ensure we don't let anything slip through the cracks."

With renewed determination, Gem and Glory set out to devise strategies to support their forgetful companion. They knew that by working together, they could overcome any challenge that came their way and ensure the success of their mission.

Gem stretched her wings, feeling the strength coursing through her veins. She nodded at Glory's suggestion, realizing that they couldn't wait any longer for their friends to join them. They were each other's backup, relying on their unique abilities to face any danger that lay ahead. Gem's venom and Glory's fiery prowess made them a formidable duo.

Without hesitation, Gem took flight, gracefully soaring through the tunnel with Glory closely following behind. The darkness enveloped them, but their determination illuminated their path. However, as they reached the entrance of the tunnel, Gem felt a shiver run down her spine. Strange and unsettling dreams flooded her mind, threatening to distract her from the task at hand.

But Gem fiercely shook her head, refusing to succumb to the haunting memories of those strange moments. She reminded herself that she wasn't alone; Glory was right beside her, ready to face any challenge that awaited them. Gem drew strength from their partnership, focusing on the present and blocking out the unsettling visions.

"We've got this, Glory," Gem said with a steely resolve, her voice tinged with determination. "We won't let anything stop us. Together, we're unstoppable."

With renewed confidence, Gem and Glory pressed on, venturing deeper into the tunnel. They relied on each other's support and unwavering presence, knowing that their bond would carry them through whatever trials they might encounter. As they ventured forth, Gem's fears melted away, replaced by an unyielding spirit of resilience and camaraderie.


As the colors of the night streaked across the sky, Gem couldn't help but smile. Unlike the mountains, where the night held an ominous aura, here it was a breathtaking display of beauty. The stars twinkled above her, casting a magical glow that captivated her senses. Gem found herself mesmerized, unable to resist the allure of the starlit sky.

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