Chapter 6

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In the abyssal darkness, the world seemed enveloped by an oppressive shroud. Only a solitary fire cast a feeble glow amidst the depths. Gem, her eyes narrowed, cautiously approached, her wings securely tucked against her body for protection.

"Gemstone," the whispers echoed, penetrating Gem's senses. She abruptly halted, her body tense, ears attuned to the faintest of sounds. Trembling, she detected the unmistakable presence of the voice, her mother's voice, laden with madness and twisted promises. A growl rumbled within her, a mixture of anger and defiance, as she resisted the call to succumb.

"Stop," Gem growled, her voice laced with determination. Her mother's laughter filled the air as the yellow-eyed queen materialized before her, a haunting presence. "Oh, my dear, I am far from finished," she sneered, gesturing towards her face, the scars of burns marring her once golden chainmail, now reduced to crumbling ash. Her red scales bore the mark of darkness, a testament to her potential transformation into a NightWing.

"Mother, cease this torment and leave us be," Gem pleaded, her voice tinged with a mix of desperation and defiance. However, she swiftly corrected herself, standing tall and resolute. A princess never pleads; she commands.

Queen Scarlet hissed, her disfigured teeth bared in a snarl. "I will never cease until you lie lifeless, daughter. You have made me hideous, a grotesque abomination!" Her voice crescendoed, the intensity of her words causing Gem to wince. She could almost feel the ground beneath her quiver as Scarlet dug furrows into the earth with her razor-sharp claws.

"It is only fitting that I bestow upon you the same treatment," the queen hissed venomously, her wings flaring open, revealing the embedded rubies still nestled within.

Gem let out a heavy sigh, bowing her head in resignation. "I didn't mean to burn you, Mother. You left me no alternative," she admitted softly, her gaze avoiding direct contact with her mother's eyes.

Scarlet scoffed, her gaze fixed on her daughter. She dipped her head slightly, attempting to nudge her, but the cruel reality prevented any physical contact. Their connection, once so tangible, now confined to the realm of dreams.

"Not in a dream," Scarlet uttered, her voice tinged with a blend of longing and affection. "Daughter, I loved you then, and I continue to do so," she confessed, her words weighted with genuine emotion.

Gem blinked, her eyes wide with disbelief. "The flame cage didn't claim your life?" she inquired, her voice laced with a mixture of hope and confusion.

A derisive laughter, harsh and crackling, erupted from Queen Scarlet's lips. It resonated in the air, a chilling testament to her hardened spirit.

Scarlet's gaze narrowed, her pride radiating like an indomitable flame. "Nothing, not even the talons of a dragon, can claim my life, dear daughter," she asserted, her voice carrying the weight of countless battles won. Her words echoed with a self-assured confidence that had become her trademark.

"Now, I beseech you," Scarlet implored, her tone softening with a touch of vulnerability. "Return to me and take your rightful place upon the throne, ousting your deceitful sister Ruby. Can you grant me this final request?"

The air around them grew heavy with the weight of expectation. Scarlet's eyes, once fierce and unyielding, now held a glimmer of longing, a desperate plea for her daughter's loyalty. She awaited Gem's response, her heart teetering on the precipice of hope and uncertainty.

Gem's voice wavered, her uncertainty palpable as she struggled to find the right words. Her gaze held a mix of turmoil and doubt, torn between filial duty and her own convictions. She couldn't fathom the idea of killing her sister, one of the few people she still held dear, just to reinstate her mother's reign of terror. The mere thought sent shivers down her spine, a haunting reminder of the darkness that once enveloped their kingdom.

"No, Mother," Gem finally managed to articulate, her voice gaining strength with each word. She lifted her head, meeting Scarlet's expectant gaze with determination. "I will never allow you to reclaim the throne. Your reign of terror ends here, and I will ensure a future where neither you nor Ruby hold power again."

Her words hung in the air, a declaration of independence, of breaking free from the cycle of cruelty. Gem's resolve shone brightly, a beacon of hope amidst the shadows that had plagued their family for far too long.

With a final, bitter roar from her mother, the dream abruptly shattered into fragments. Gem's consciousness was forcibly pulled away from the ethereal realm, leaving her with a lingering sense of unease. The echoes of Scarlet's wrath reverberated in her mind, a chilling reminder of the darkness that still lingered, even in slumber.

Gasping for breath, Gem's eyes fluttered open to the familiar surroundings of her own chamber. The remnants of the dream clung to her like a wispy veil, and she couldn't shake off the residual uneasiness that gnawed at her thoughts. She sat up, her heart pounding, a mixture of relief and lingering dread coursing through her veins.

Yet, as she steadied her trembling breaths, a newfound resolve blossomed within her. Gem was determined to break free from the clutches of her mother's influence, to forge her own path and build a better future. With each passing moment, the dream's grip on her faded, replaced by a newfound determination to create a world untainted by her mother's dark legacy.

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