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Thoughts & Lie detector: ‘ ‘

(A/n: Takes place 6 months before Entrance exams)

Y/n or has people of the underworld would know him as Gabimaru or The hollow was in a police station after being Caught by the erasure hero Eraserhead. Eraserhead brought him in here for questioning to ask why he did what he did and to know how old he is with detective Naomasa.

“How old are you?” Naomasa asked a question.

“Fifthteen” Y/n responded as well as answered the question. Both Eraserhead and Naomasa were surprised considering that this kid is able to go toe to toe with heroes with more experience and the fact that the kid doesn’t use his quirk to do so. Naomasa the took out a lie detector to see if Y/n was lying.

“Do you have a quirk?” Naomasa questioned Y/n.

“Kinda” Y/n answered.

“What do you mean kinda?” Naomasa now slightly more confused asked.

“My power isn’t a quirk but can still be classified as one” Y/n explained why his previous answer was kinda.

‘True’ Naomasa is more confused after looking at the detector.

“what is the name of your power?” Naomasa now curious on what it was called.

“Tao” Y/n answered nervously.

‘true again but what is Tao’ Naomasa thought as he was looking at the lie detector.

“What is this Tao?” Naomasa questioned.

“It’s lifeforce itself” Y/n answered.

‘true’ the lie detector said.

“Can anybody use it?” Naomasa questioned.

“Yes but considering that you just found out about it now then it’s safe to say only a select few can use it” Y/n said.

‘True’ the lie detector said as Naomasa was looking at it.

“Only a few people in the past actually knew of it but now im not sure how nany people know of Tao” Y/n said.

Eraserhead then was thinking about all the times he and Y/n fought ‘How is he so good with hand to hand combat’.

“How are you so good?” Aizawa questioned.

“What do you mean?” Y/n not understanding the question asked.

“With hand to hand combat” Aizawa made sure to fully specify his question.

“I’m the descendant of a shinobi and was trained somewhat like one” Y/n answers blatantly.

“But that doesn’t make sense considering your age” Aizawa stated.

“what were you going to do after finishing this job request?”

“Quit” Naomasa used the lie detector to see if this was true or not which it responded in ‘true’.

“Why?” both the hero and Detective asked.

“Because if my little sister found out then she would be angry at me, and two I feel sick after killing so many people” Y/n knowing that's how S/n would react to his job.

“So you're sick of killing?” Naomasa asks.

“Yes” Y/n replies.

“So you're saying that you will live a normal life and not be a mercenary anymore” Aizawa asks to confirm as he was looking at the lie detector.

“Yes, because I want to live a normal life now” Y/n said. The lie detector showed that Y/n was telling the truth.

“How about this?” Both Y/n and Naomasa look at Aizawa.

“What if I gave you one last job? Would you still do it?” Aizawa asked.

“I mean yeah technically I didn’t tell the person that gave me jobs that this was my last one so yes i will have to do your job” Y/n says.

“So you will still have to do the other jobs that you get?” Aizawa asks.

“No because I’m not their to accept those jobs, so no I won’t have anymore jobs to do” Y/n says

“I have to be there to accept them myself to show that im willing to do the job” Y/n explained.

“I myself have to say to the person who tells me the jobs and i say to them if i accept it or not and that person then tells their client or clients what i said” Y/n explained further.

“Interesting” Aizawa said.

“So what’s your job request? Eraserhead” Y/n asked getting straight to the point.

“Become a bodyguard for the new first years for UA’s hero course as a student” Aizawa said boldly.

“Huh” Naomasa was confused on why Aizawa would give Y/n an offer like that and Y/n’s mind just went blank on this.

“So let me get this straight your letting me an assassin or in other words a mercenary into the most prestigious hero school in japan to become a bodyguard for the new first years” Y/n asked to make sure he got what Aizawa asked of him right.

“Yes” Aizawa confirmed.

“Will this allow me to live a normal life?” Y/n asked genuinely wanting to get out of the underworld and life of it.

“Yes” Aizawa answered.

“Wait Aizawa you can’t really be doing this” Naomasa said.

“I know this is irrational but think about it if we have someone who has the same experience as pro hero on our side who just wants to stop mindlessly killing” Naomasa then thinks on what Aizawa just said and he’s right they could get an excellent resource for the heroes.

“So, do you accept my request, Hollow?” Aizawa asked.

“Yes, I do so that I can escape from this prison I put myself in and live a normal life” Aizawa and Naomasa knew what Y/n meant since Y/n put himself in a metaphorical prison in his mind.

The start of a journey for a normal life with it beginning at the most prestigious hero school in japan UA.

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