Ch 5: USJ (2/2)

136 8 1

Thoughts: ‘ ‘ / ' '
Talking: “ ” / " "
Italics: Physical techniques
Bold: Techniques getting activated
Italics & Bold: Techniques getting their power boosted

Y/n's Ascetic Blaze was now at its strongest with blue ish flames with it going between its original orange-ish flames to blue-ish flames. It's name was Ninpo: Ascetic Blaze Full Fire.

'Gotta finish the fight quickly' Y/n now was a lot faster than before which allowed him to get some hits in before Yatsurugi adapted to Y/n's new found speed.

Some of the villains were knocked unconscious before they could even react to Y/n's boosted Ascetic Blaze. Yatsurugi saw what Y/n was doing making sure it was a 1 Vs 1 by taking down the villains surrounding them.

"I like your style brat!" Yatsurugi said as Y/n was now focusing on him. Y/n just looks at him as he breathes in a huge chunk of air.

Y/n then let out a Ninpo: Zephyr Weave, Ascetic Blaze Mode as Y/n used this to his advantage. Before Y/n could react he was hit with the hammer and sent flying into the fountain.

Y/n was now struggling to get up as Yatsurugi was laughing at Y/n who was getting angrier. But then started laughing like a mad man as he had lost a decent amount of blood.

"You know the saying about a man's the most dangerous when they have nothing to lose?" Yatsurugi looked at Y/n with a confused looks while Y/n was spouting nonsense.

"Their even more dangerous when they have something to lose!" Y/n disappeared from Yatsurugi line of sight before he got kicked in the stomach.

Y/n then followed it up with a Ninpo: Pyro Bridge, Ascetic Blaze Mode to burn Yatsurugi. Y/n then landed on the ground to see if Yatsurugi will come out unscathed from his attacks.

Yatsurugi got up and swung his hammer clearing the flames from Y/n's attack.

"You get it now don't you, brat!" Yatsurugi said as Y/n knew he should finish this quickly. But a part of him wants to enjoy this fight and that's what is conflicting inside him.


'I changed....'

'I'm not'

'The hollow'


'I'm a hero!' Y/n finished his thought.

As he found his resolve to keep fighting for the side of good and to keep living the life he has now. One that is not stained by blood and fueled by the want or need for revenge.

Y/n rushed down Yatsurugi as he brings down his hammer as Y/n closed his eyes to focus as he dodges the strike. Ninpo: Pyro Bridge was activated in order to make a smokescreen in a sense. To block Yatsurugi's vision as Y/n then slams his foot into Yatsurugi's stomach.

Yatsurugi hits Y/n with his fits. Y/n gets sent flying as everything starts to get blurry for Y/n.

As something snapped inside of Y/n. As all of Y/n's movements were now out of pure instinct. No thoughts behind his actions, as he starts to just go ham on Yatsurugi.

Using multiple techniques in tandem with each other. As Y/n had one thought.


Y/n kept using techniques to forcefully make an opening time strike the final blow and kill Yatsurugi.

But Yatsurugi wasn't going down without a fight. As he pulls something out of his pocket.

Y/n's instincts forcefully stopped his body, as Yatsurugi injects himself with some liquid. Before his instincts can move his body he was slammed with the hammer Yatsurugi was holding.

Y/n just disappeared from the line of sight, as Y/n was able to land hits on Yatsurugi. That will add on over time. But he noticed that they were barely doing anything.

Y/n looked over to what Yatsurugi injected into himself. Y/n remembered that one time he had to protect a group delivering something. He was told what it was trigger a drug that boosts the users quirk.

This brought Y/n back to his senses, as he immediately tried thinking of a plan to stop Yatsurugi. But the only thing Y/n could think of was....

To kill Yatsurugi.

Y/n tried thinking of another way as he kept on dodging attacks that came from a seemingly out of control Yatsurugi.

'Damn it!' Y/n Cursed in his thoughts.

'Is that really the only thing I can do to stop him?' Y/n thought to himself.

Yatsurugi attacked Y/n with an undodgable attack, as Y/n instincts took over again. And before long Y/n had killed Yatsurugi.

Showing that Y/n was the better fighter and more skilled than Yatsurugi. Y/n was able to tied up the unconscious villains on the ground.

As Y/n finished this his body than almost collapsed. Y/n tried to keep standing to help out his classmates and do his job. But his body took to many attacks and was way too fatigued to keep going and fight.

Y/n collapsed to the floor, as the last thing Y/n heard was the doors being slammed open?

And what he heard was.

"Fear Not For"


'Kick their ass All might' Y/n thought.

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