Ch 8: Sports festival? (1/2)

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Thoughts: ' '

It was the next day as Y/n walks to the train station, as he gets in the on train he noticed someone.

'Is that?' It is' Y/n thought as he approached them. Midoriya looked to his right to see Y/n approaching him.

"So how you doing?" Y/n asked.

"D-doing fine and what about you?" Midoriya answered and then asked.

"Fine" Y/n responded as he sees the empty seat next to Midoriya.

They sit and talk about classes as the train reached their destination. They got up and left the train and as they're about to leave the train station. Y/n felt the presence of one of their classmates it was ida.

They meet up as they walk to UA together.

- Timeskip -

Y/n was confused on what the sports festival is, as he mainly focused on his jobs as a mercenary, school and his training. He never really focused on anything hero related more so on UA.

"So you know nothing about the sports festival?" Midoriya says.

"Yup, never really paid attention as I had to focus on work and my training" Y/n said.

"That and my little sister, I have to take care of" Y/n said.

"Understandable as people have their own lives but to not having knowledge about it or even what it is!" Mina said.

"Have been living under a rock?" Kirishima said.

"Maybe? With the way you guys are talking about it to me" Y/n said.

- Timeskip -

"So that's why it's important" Y/n said finally understanding why.

"Now you get it" Kirishima said, as a few class 1A members were walking to the door.

Only to find multiple people just standing in the hallway. As Bakugou forcefully moved in between to leave the class putting a target on all of them.

- Timeskip -

Y/n was now in the training grounds just testing his reaction time. As he then stops to sense his senpai's hiding.

Y/n feels his phone vibrate, to which he sees it was Midoriya. Y/n answers the call, and they talk and Midoriya asks something.

"Hey Y/n?" Midoriya asked.

"What is it?" Y/n asks.

"Can you train me more in hand to hand combat? Or help me train me and my quirk in general?" Midoriya asked.

"Sure, I don't mind" Y/n answered.

"T-thanks, so where should we met up?" Midoriya answered genuinely surprisedthat Y/n agreed.

"Let's me up at the front of the school and just follow me" Y/n said.

"Alright, I'll see you in a few minutes" Midoriya answered.

As Y/n hangs up, Y/n was thinking on how he could help Midoriya in gaining control over One For All. Though he knows what he can teach Midoriya in hand to hand combat.

- Timeskip -

Luckily he was able to get away from his senpai's and go to the front of the school to meet up with Midoriya.

"Yo" Y/n said as he spots Midoriya coming towards him.

"Before we get to training, what is it that you want to learn or improve?" Y/n asked.

"Reaction time or just overall improvement in how I fight or helping me find a fighting style that suits me" Midoriya answered with, as Y/n knows he can't keep trying to imitate All Might.

As every hero has to be unique in their own way even though some may have the same type of quirk or what field their in.

"Hey Y/n?" Midoriya asked.

"Hmm?" Y/n hummed.

"Have you ever tried to manipulate your flames?" Midoriya asked.

"Be more specific" Y/n needing Midoriya to be specific.

"Like make your flames into a projectile that doesn't require you breathing or expelling flames around you? Or even create something out from your flames like a weapon?" Midoriya asked.

"To answer your questions. Nope, and nope" Y/n answered.

"Never really thought of doing either, but never tried doing so as I figured it wouldn't work cause you know" Y/n said.

"O-oh, right your manipulating your own life force to do that" Midoriya said softly knowing it had to be kept a secret.

Y/n and Midoriya walked off talking making plans on where they'll meet up to train for the next week. Since Y/n wanted to test if he could actually do what Midoriya asked him about projecting his flames and then manipulating them.

- a week and a half later -

Y/n was on the training grounds trying to create flames in his palms to the change their shape.

"Goddammit!" Y/n said in frustration.

"Looks like Midoriya was wrong about that theory of me possibly being able to project and then manipulate my flames" Y/n said exhaustedly.

'Just a few days until the sports festival' Y/n thought as he heard 3 people he recognized coming to see him.

'Maybe they can help me? Maybe not since I don't even know what type of quirk they have, or even what their quirks are' Y/n thought, thinking on what their quirks are that can possibly help him try to achieve his desired outcome.

That outcome being the creation of flames in his palms using ninpo instead of in his mouth? Lungs? Breathing out with ninpo. Y/n sighed just thinking why he can't do that but can do it in the way he can for some reason. He doesn't even know how he does it, it just natural to him in that way.

Y/n cleared his mind.

'Maybe I should focus more on my Tao affinities, I have mastery over Fire and some over wood and water barely any mastery over metal and earth' Y/n thought to himself until he was poked by his senpai, Nejire.

As Y/n opened his eyes, he saw his upperclassmen: Mirio, Amajiki and Nejire approaching him.

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