Ch 6: USJ aftermath

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Thoughts: ' ' / ' '
Talking: " " / " "
M/f: Mother figure


'Good...' Y/n thought.

'I can rest easy now...' Y/n thought. As the sound of a Thud was heard near the location of Y/n was.

Y/n had fully fallen unconscious as he hears people talk around him and feels himself on a softer surface. To which he wakes up and it takes him a moment to fully wake up.

Y/n looks over to Midoriya to see a blonde skeleton? and detective Naomasa.

'Wher- oh, Im in the infirmary' Y/n thought.

Midoriya was had a very worried face, as Y/n was just confused look.

"Who is he?" Y/n asking a question to Midoriya and Naomasa.

Naomasa sighed but knew they had no other choice.

"This is All Might, Y/n" Naomasa said as Y/n did a spit take coughing. This made Midoriya react as Y/n stopped him.

"I'm fine, just not prepared for the answer" Y/n softly rubbing his throat.

"Nice too meet you All Might?" Y/n questioned as he never thought that all might would be a skinny blonde man.

"Nice to meet you too Young L/n" All Might said in response.

"So what happened after I fell unconscious?" Y/n asked.

- Timeskip -

After Y/n was caught up to speed on the events that happened. he was just thinking to the point where he only heard his thoughts.

'What happened back there?' As he thought this he remembered what he did to Yatsurugi.

'Did my instincts kick in?' Y/n thought as he was snapped out of it by Naomasa.

"KID!" Naomasa said as Y/n jumped.

Y/n then looked to Naomasa in surprise. As Naomasa realized that Y/n was only hearing his own thoughts.

"Don't do that again okay?" Naomasa said.

"Yeah" Y/n answered.

"So what happened to the villains you were fighting?" Naomasa asked Y/n.

"Only one stood out that being the Villain known as Yatsurugi," Y/n said.

"And the others they were just street thugs, so not much of a challenge" Y/n finished.

Midoriya was confused and All Might partly confused on why Y/n said not much of a challenge. Naomasa looked over to them and realized that he had to tell them about Y/n.

"Uh Y/-" Naomasa was going to say when Y/n cut him off.

"It's fine" Y/n said.

"You sure?" Naomasa asked wanting confirmation from Y/n.

"I mean they would've found out one way or another" Y/n said knowing Aizawa.

"Alright" Naomasa said, as he began to explain Y/n's circumstances.

- Timeskip -

"I never knew" All Might said, as Midoriya thought about what type of training Y/n went through.

"It's okay" Y/n said.

"So mind explaining why you're like this All Might" Y/n asked.

- Timeskip -

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