Ch 4: USJ (1/2)

184 9 1

Thoughts: ' ' / ' '
Talking: " " / "
Bold: Techniques
Italics & Bold: Techniques getting their power boosted

It was now time for rescue training for Class 1A and they were on their way to a facility near campus. Everyone was happy except for Y/n wanting to know why Shigaraki stole Files or at the very least took pictures of some files that were confidential. Yaoyorozu looked at Y/n worried about why he wasn't as excited as they were and she looked to lida who also saw this in Y/n.

Before they could ask Y/n if he's fine they had arrived at the USJ and Aizawa and thirteen saw Y/n's anxiousness. Thirteen then introduces themselves to the class and explains why they are here at the USJ facility which means Unforeseen simulation joint but USJ for short.

As they entered Y/n felt multiple Tao signatures all at once quickly realizing "Aizawa, thirteen we got company!".

Aizawa and thirteen looked at the middle where the plaza was and a portal of purple mist opened up. Everyone looked at the plaza in the middle "Hey they even ha-" "Kaminari!" Kaminari looked at you "Try contacting the school if that doesn't work, lida get outside and run to the school and tell them that villains are attacking". Kaminari nodded at your request and started fidgeting with his communicator to try and contact the school. Aizawa jumped down "Thirteen, Y/n protect the students/your Classmates" Y/n then looked at Thirteen and they nodded "Yaoyorozu, lida, you're in charge, i'm going to help Aizawa-sensei". lida and Yaoyorozu nodded reluctantly as Y/n jumped in to join in Aizawa.

Y/n then activated Ascetic Blaze but before he could do anything he saw Kurogiri go to his classmates. 'Fuck, Of course they send him to go after the class considering his quirk if it's what I think it is' Y/n stated to himself. Y/n then landed on the ground to help his teacher.

Y/n then noticed the nomu. 'Is that their trump card' Y/n thought knowing they wanted to kill All might.

As Y/n was thinking he was almost hit with what seemed to be a giant hammer. Aizawa grabbed Y/n with his scarf before hit could hit him. Y/n just gave him a look before focusing on the bigger picture. The villains were confused on who the kid was but hey they could beat up an arrogant student thinking they were high and mighty.

Y/n quickly disappeared from their sight then they all felt pain as Y/n had targeted their pressure points. 25% of the villains had collapsed onto the floor as Y/n kept Acetic Blaze up. Right as Y/n turned it off he got attacked as Y/n moved his body in a way where in minimizes the damage.

Y/n was now near an entrance to one of the many zones of the USJ, as Y/n had activated Ascetic Blaze once more. Y/n then saw villain who was incredibly tall and big with a lot of weapons.

"Looks like I got a brat to test out my weapons" Y/n looked at the tall villain with a deadpan face.

"Ascetic Blaze" Y/n mumbled.

The villain confused on what Y/n said as Y/n just slammed his foot into the stomach of the villain. The other villains started to back away before they could the villain with all the weapons was able to get back.

"That attack was strong!" Y/n then saw all of his weapons and remembered his training.

"Let's see if it's strong enough to block this!" As Y/n breathed in and out to put his body on auto pilot.

Y/n was now moving on instinct as he just started wailing on the villain with no remorse as Y/n had heard of them. They were called Yatsurugi and who is obsessed with weapons.

Y/n was about to blast their face with a torrent of flames as he gets hit with a hammer. Y/n showed that he didn't take any damage as he just looked Yatsurugi with a look of confusion. He was confused on how he hit him with a hammer even though he was blocking their sight.

'Damn I have to finish this quick' Y/n thought.

Y/n rushed towards Yatsurugi to end this fight but Yatsurugi then activated his quirk. Which was a simple strength enhancer Y/n who's strength is super human but not at the level of all might.

Yatsurugi and Y/n battle it out as the villains around them join in on the battle helping their comrade. Y/n was struggling but wasn't showing it as Y/n was skilled enough to keep them at bay.

He was skilled enough but this was only going to drain Y/n's stamina as he has to focus on multiple attackers. Y/n was set up to be hit by the hammer that had the group of villains quirk on it. Then add the force behind the strike of the hammer.

Y/n was going to accept his defeat and potentially his death as he remembers what he's fighting for.

Y/n quickly spun himself to use a technique called Kamakubi which is a roundhouse kick. Y/n quickly kicked the hammer with a lot of force enough to parry it.

"So you have no intentions to let me leave alive?" Y/n asked making sure that he was allowed to do the same.

Since both Nezu and Aizawa allowed Y/n to kill his opponent or opponents if that was the only option to get away.

"I accept nothing less than a battle to the death the winner which would result in the winner being the more skilled combatant!" He says bragging thinking it would be an easy against a meer child.

Y/n smiled as he pulled up his mask over his mouth and nose.

'Burn Ascetic Blaze'

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