Going Back

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"Remus?" Remus looks up to see Sirius standing over him.

"Oh hey...I must have dozed off while working on my potions essay."

Sirius looks unsure and studies Remus for a few moments, "I think you better go see Madam Pomfrey you're looking a bit peaky."

Remus just shakes his head as he sits up, "No, no, I'm alright just a bit stressed out with exams coming up that's all." He shifts his notes around on his desk to cover the moon chart he has out and is thankful Sirius doesn't notice.

"I don't see why you always pass anyway," Sirius says as he flops backwards onto his bed. Remus can't help but chuckle.

"I always pass because I always study," Remus adds emphasis to the word always, "plus potions is my worst subject so I can use the extra review time."

Sirius props himself up on his elbows, "Who needs potions anyway? The only people who excel in potions are annoying gits like Snivellus."

Remus closes his book and shoots Sirius a look, "Don't let James hear you say that. Remember Lily is the second best student in Slughorn's class."

Sirius snickers, "I suppose you're right I wouldn't want to anger Potter."

"Why would I be angry?" James asks as he walks into the dorm with his broom and Quidditch gear.

"No reason we were just saying how annoying you can be when you're angry," Sirius answers as winks at Remus. James eyes him skeptically

"Ah ok then. Has anyone seen Peter?"

"I believe he went on a late night snack run down to the kitchen," Remus tucks his notes into his book then puts them into his trunk, "I think he has gotten more use out of finding it than any of us."

Sirius lets out his usual barking laugh, "Yes he has and it shows- Oi!" Sirius narrowly dodges a pillow.

"Be nice Black or Potter will be angry." James taunts with a smirk.

Sirius quickly puts on his signature look of innocence, "I don't have the foggiest idea of what you are talking about." James just shakes his head and walks off towards the bathroom to shower while Remus climbs into bed and pulls the curtains shut around him.

"Good night Sirius."

"Night Remus." As Remus lays down he suddenly realizes how tired he is. Since it is the eve before the full moon he isn't at all surprised when he falls right to sleep.

Remus Lupin: Lone MarauderWhere stories live. Discover now