Rising Suspicions

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As with all the days before the full moon, it passes at a snail's pace and is just a blur in Remus's mind. He is able to recall Pomfrey helping him back into the hospital wing after the transformation and then giving him a sleeping draught. Remus is slowly dragged back into consciousness by voices surrounding him. At first, he has trouble making out what is being said but gradually his mind beings to process words.

"Mr. Black would you please leave at once Mr. Lupin needs his rest." Madam Pomfrey says in her sternest voice fighting to keep herself from screaming.

"I'm not going anywhere until I find out what in the name of Merlin happened to him!" Sirius shouts back. Remus lays in bed trying to open his eyes but finding himself too weak. The effort causes him to descend back into his dreamless sleep. Remus finally wakes up the next day and thanks to Madam Pomfrey's hard work he is allowed to go back to his dorm. Remus makes it all the way into the common room until he runs into his friends.

"Bloody hell what happened to you?" Peter comments as he looks up from his game of Exploding Snap.

James stands up and walks over to Remus, "Sirius wasn't joking you look horrid."

Remus tries not to avoid eye contact but he can't help shying away from the look James is giving him. Remus knows how pale he looks and that he is covered in gashes. "Why thank you, James, nothing like having close friends," Remus gives them a small smile, "I was helping out in Herbology and fell into a bed of fanged geraniums."

Just then Sirius wanders down the stairs from the dorm, "You are telling me some plants did all that to you?" Remus just nods although he is a good liar he knows that if he answers they will be able to see right through him. Instead of heading up to bed, and resting like he wants to, Remus sits down on the couch and watches his friends play hoping to avoid further suspicion. As much as he hates not telling them the truth to them he knows that them finding out would be much worse. Sirius sits across from him and a few moments later looks up from the game and blurts out, "Is someone beating you up Remus?"

Remus looks at Sirius surprised by the question, "Beating me up...no why?"

"Why? Look at you Remus you're a walking bruise covered in scratches!" Sirius retorts.

"I already told you I fell into the fanged geraniums," Remus gets up, suppressing a groan from the stiffness he feels, "Anyway I think I better go study for class. I lost some study time in the hospital wing."

As Remus climbs the stairs to the dorm he overhears James, "Sirius you have that look in your eye. That is the look that usually means we are going to do something we shouldn't be."

Sirius snorts, "That is just my devilish charm coming out. Anyway did you ever notice that Remus always has some odd excuse for looking ill or not being around? I mean it happens just about every month."

Remus's stomach churns as his thoughts run wild 'They are going to figure it out....they are going to hate me...I will lose the only friends I've ever had.' Against his best efforts, his eyes begin to fill with tears and his thoughts continue, 'Look at you crying like a baby. Did you really think that someone like you could live a normal life, Remus?' He hurries up the stairs and into bed where he quickly pulls the curtains shut to block out everything around him. Unfortunately Remus isn't able to stop his thoughts but eventually, the transformation takes its toll on him. Slowly he drifts off into an uneasy sleep.

Remus Lupin: Lone MarauderWhere stories live. Discover now