To the Willow

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Remus walks down to the hospital wing and as he does every month wishes he could be normal like the other students. As scheduled he meets Madam Pomfrey and once she is sure the coast is clear she leads him out to the Whomping Willow. "Immobulus," Pomfrey says as she flicks her wand towards the tree causing it to go still, "are you sure you don't want me going with you?"

Remus shakes his head no. Since his second year, Pomfrey has allowed Remus to go down to the Shrieking Shack by himself. In the mornings after the transformations, she even waits for him partway down the tunnel. He is immensely grateful to her for this arrangement it offers him a small scrap of dignity the mornings after. Dignity is a tough notion to have when you are a werewolf. Something about turning into a monster and tearing yourself to shreds every month will do that to a person. "No I'll be fine, thank you. See you in the morning," Remus says as he climbs down into the tunnel and heads to the Shack.

Remus Lupin: Lone MarauderWhere stories live. Discover now