Waning Moon

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When Remus wakes up the next day James, Peter, and Sirius have already left for breakfast. As much as he loves his friends after overhearing their discussion last night he is apprehensive about seeing them today. Remus dresses, grabs his books for class, and makes his way down into the Great Hall.

James looks up from his plate when Remus enters and smiles, "Morning Remus."

Remus takes a seat next to Peter who is eating like he hasn't seen food in months and Remus can't help but crack a smile, "Easy there Pete no one is going to take it from you."

Peter looks up and grins. "With them two around," he points is fork towards James and Sirius, "anything can happen."

Sirius smirks as he pats James on the back, "It's about time someone recognized our talent." Remus is relieved when the conversation turns towards the classes of the day and nothing more is said about his injuries, at least until it's time for Potions Class. While Remus is grateful because it's the last class of the day it's also his worst subject. On top of that Gryffindors share the class with the Slytherins which means that he will have to keep an eye on his friends. It is hard work keeping them out of trouble. Especially Sirius who takes the word stubborn to a whole new level.

They are barely in the Potions Classroom when he hears the drawling voice of Severus Snape, "Why Lupin you look like something the house elf dragged in." This gets a few chuckles from the Slytherin students nearby. Remus quickly grabs Sirius's arm to prevent him from hexing Snape.

Remus calmly turns to Snape and smiles politely, "I appreciate that you are concerned about me Severus but I can assure you I am fine." Snape opens his mouth to reply just as Professor Slughorn calls for attention and the Marauders quickly take their seats. Thankfully the rest of the class passes without incident.

"Can you believe that slimy git," Sirius starts to rant once they are out into the hall, "as if he is good looking or something."

James laughs, "Snivellius could be called many things but good looking is not one of them." Remus is surprised by James's almost civil tone when dealing with Snape until he looks over and notices Lily is walking right behind them. Now it is Remus's turn to laugh. If there is anyone in the wizarding world who will cause James Potter to change his behavior it is Lily Evans. Remus is quickly drawn back into the conversation "Ok Remus that's the plan then."

He looks from James to Sirius and then to Peter, "What?"

Sirius shakes his head and sighs. "The plan to get Snape back," he claps Remus on the shoulder, "don't worry mate you sit back at dinner and just enjoy the show. Not knowing works in your favor plausible deniability and all."

"Plausible deniability," Remus repeats slowly, "sounds like a term a muggle lawyer would use."

Peter laughs, "The way Sirius is going he might have to try to talk his way out of Azkaban one day. He might as well learn all the fancy words he can now. Ah!" Peter rubs his shoulder where Sirius playfully punched him.

"Very funny Pete just remember if they come after me I am taking you down with me." They get to the Great Hall and take their seats at the Gryffindor table making sure that Remus and Sirius are facing the Slytherin table. It doesn't take long for Severus to come in, sit down, and start eating. Sirius looks both ways before raising his wand and taking aim at Snape. He mutters something that Remus can't quite make out and then quickly pockets his wand again. Nothing happens at first but then Remus's eyes widen as he notices Severus's hair slowly changing. The length remains the same but the color slowly shifts. "Hot pink," Sirius beams with pride, "his hair has never looked so good." It only takes a few seconds before Snape realizes what has happened. His head whips around and searches for the Marauders.

"You!" he bellows at Sirius.

Sirius points to himself shocked, "Me?"

Snape starts heading over to the Gryffindor table when he is intercepted by Professor McGonagall. She looks from Severus's hair over to Sirius and gives him a stern look, "Come along Black, to my office now."

Sirius is used to this routine by now he gets up from his seat and leads the way with a smile, "See you lot later."

Remus Lupin: Lone MarauderWhere stories live. Discover now