Moon Rise

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Remus opens the old battered wooden door to the Shrieking Shack. He pauses a moment to consider it and silently thanks Dumbledore for the enchantments on it as well as the rest of the structure. As gratefully as he is for it there is always a small inkling of doubt in the back of his mind, "What if it doesn't hold? What if you get out?' Remus shakes the thoughts from his head and closes the door behind him. He can tell by the small stream of light that filters through the boarded up windows that the sun is setting. As always he takes his robe and hides it in the hall closet so the wolf can't destroy it. Then he sits and, the part that he hates the most, he waits. He tries to ignore the barrage of "what ifs" that flood him when he is hit with the first wave of pain that signals the rising of the moon. Remus winces and doubles over taking deep breaths to try to help it. Although he knows nothing will help the pain, it will come as it always does. A small cry escapes him though he does his best to stifle it.

"Remus?" Remus's blood runs cold. "Remus where are you?" Sirius's voice called out.

"NO! Sirius get out of here!" Remus screams as another wave of pain crashes into him. He hears footsteps running towards him and looks up to see James, Sirius, and Peter entering the room.

"Remus what in the name of Merlin!?" Peter shrieks. Fear grips Remus even more than the shame or the idea of his friends finally finding out.

"Get out! Noooowwwww!" The last word comes out as a howl as the pain rips through him again. He feels is bones and muscles shifting, cracking, and reforming. Though it all he feels the pang of sadness as he sees the look of horror that is written across the faces of his friends who stand there seemingly frozen to the spot. Remus fights against the pain and stands on his trembling, shifting legs. He reaches out and pushes Sirius back with his hands but they are no longer his they are covered in thick brown hair and have sharp curved claws. "Please! Go!" The words come out mumbled and rough as his mouth shifts and teeth grow into fangs. Remus feels himself being pulled under. He can feel the wolf clawing towards the surface. Remus half staggers half drags himself across the room away from them. He knows the distance will do nothing but it is still distance. His last thought before he slips away is one of terror...of what he will find when he returns in the morning.

Remus Lupin: Lone MarauderWhere stories live. Discover now