Day Of

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Remus heads down to the Great Hall for breakfast with James and Peter. It seems like the full moon was just yesterday. 'Why do the months have to pass so fast?' Remus muses to himself as he heads down into the hall. He takes a seat and tries to act like nothing is amiss. After overhearing them discuss his abscesses last month he is afraid that showing any sign of being ill. Remus has been thankful that nothing more has been said about the matter and he doesn't want to give them any reason to rehash it. He puts some toast on his plate although he has no appetite for it.

"Morning," Sirius says with a mouth full of toast. Remus notices Sirius studying him and tries to avoid eye contact as Sirius swallows his mouth full. "Not feeling well again Remus?" Sirius asks, "Have you seen Pomfrey about it?"

"I..I didn't sleep well last night that's all and I have a wicked headache," Remus replies hoping that it came out more convincing than it sounded to him.

"Hmm," Sirius says as he downs a glass of pumpkin juice. Remus glances up at him from the corner of his eye. Sirius was clearly not convinced. Remus's stomach churns hoping that they don't ask him any more questions. In truth, he really didn't sleep well and his head, as it does before every transformation, feels like it is going to split apart. Remus nibbles on a piece of toast mostly just for the show of eating something if he was alone he wouldn't even bother. He is grateful for James who diverts Sirius's attention away from him by talking about Quidditch.

As usual, the day of the transformation drags on. Despite Remus's best efforts he has trouble focusing in class, his body aches, and his mind races. Finally, Transfiguration ends and he heads up to the Gryffindor tower to grab a clean robe before he heads down to the Hospital Wing. He is surprised to find that none of his friends are there. James, Sirius, and Peter can generally be found in the common room after class. He wishes he could join them in whatever fun they are having but he knows it would only make it more suspicious when he disappears for the night.

Remus Lupin: Lone MarauderWhere stories live. Discover now