The Plotting Room

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Sirius walks into the dorm later that evening and all three boys look up from their work. "Well?" James asks as he puts his Transfiguration book down.

"Well, what?" Sirius asks as he jumps onto his bed.

"Well, what punishment did you get?" Peter chimes in.

"Oh just a day of detention for every day Snivellus's hair is pink," Sirius says with pride, "McGonagall couldn't find the right charm to undo it without making it worse. So it will have to go naturally. Godric knows it's worth it though."

Remus sighs and shakes his head, "You shouldn't have done that Sirius."

Sirius looks at Remus stunned, "You are joking. First off that was bloody brilliant on my part. Second how about a thank you?"

Remus answers in a sarcastic tone, "Thank you for getting yourself into trouble." He sees the look on Sirius's face and quickly adds, "Look thank you for trying to help me but I can take care of myself you know?"

"Then why don't you?" Sirius counters as he gets off the bed. "Why do you let everyone walk all over you then?"

Remus puts his books into his trunk and answers without looking at Sirius, "Because not everything has to be a fight Sirius. Sometimes it's better... in the long run to just let things go." Remus knows that deep down his reason for ignoring remarks like Snape's is because he doesn't want to draw attention to himself. After Sirius's actions in the Great Hall, he worries about what kind of retaliation Severus is planning for them. While he is afraid of anyone finding out about what he truly is he knows it will be far worse if Snape should find out.

"No, it's not! Things only get worse if you ignore them, Remus." Sirius shouts as he heads over towards him.

James and Peter exchange a glance and James gets up and places a hand on Sirius's shoulder, "Remus is right. It's not like he physically did anything to hurt him. It was just Snape being a prat which is nothing new."

Sirius pulls his arm away from James and gives him a dirty look, "You all didn't look to upset about it at dinner."

Remus sighs, "Sirius we aren't upset it was funny but I wish you would let me handle my own issues."

Sirius shakes his head no, walks to Remus, and looks him in the eye. "I can't do that mate. We're friends and friends help one another when they have a problem. No matter what that problem is and no matter what the cost."

A knot tightens in Remus's chest upon hearing those words and he can't help but think that although it is a beautiful sentiment it doesn't apply to people like him. Instead of arguing with Sirius Remus just gives him a small smile, "Thank you, Sirius."

Sirius grins in reply, "Don't mention it. After all, what are friends for." Sirius claps his hands together, "Now we know the Slytherins are going to come up with something to get us back so let's start planning our countermeasures." Sirius takes a seat on Remus's bed. James and Peter join them and they sit there in a circle plotting against the Slytherins late into the night.

Remus Lupin: Lone MarauderWhere stories live. Discover now