Hospital Wing

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Remus feels himself slowly waking up again. As he does he is aware of the pain he is in and of a shuffling sound. Remus slowly opens his eyes but he doesn't see anyone. Carefully he props himself up on his elbow wincing at the movement he hears something in the corner of the room. "James? Is that you?" He whispers in a scratchy voice. Although part of him hopes that it is James a larger part hopes it isn't. He isn't ready to face them yet, to see the look of fear in their eyes again. The only thing worse than that look is the look of hatred that he normally receives when people find out about. He can't bear to see that look on their faces. Three heads suddenly and seemingly appear from nowhere in the corner of the room.

"Remus?" James answers he sounds nervous which is exactly what Remus was expecting. Who wouldn't be nervous around a werewolf?

Remus forces a small smile to his face even though he doesn't feel it and nods. He doesn't know what to say but one thought keeps coming to his mind, "I'm sorry".

"You should be," Sirius says in a harsh tone as he walks towards Remus's bed, "I can't believe you would do this to us, Remus. We've known you for two years. Or at least we thought we did. We shared a bloody dorm with you!" James puts a hand on Sirius's arm and shushes him while making sure Pomfrey didn't hear. Meanwhile, Peter seems glued to the corner. Remus flinches at the words they cut deeper and hurt more than anything he sustained during the full moon.

"I...I'm sorry," He stammers, "I was selfish and it was wrong of me. I just didn't...I just wanted to be normal."

Sirius snorts, "Well you're not normal Remus." Remus flinches upon hearing this even though he knows it's true it hurts him to hear Sirius say it.

"Sirius" James scolds him.

Sirius gestures towards Remus. "What? He's not," Sirius looks around at James and Peter, "I'm not either. None of us are." Remus looks up upon hearing this and Sirius locks eyes with him. "So why in the name of Merlin did you hide this from us? I thought we were your friends Remus?"

Remus sits there blinking at them unsure how to answer or what to say. In all the scenarios he played out in his head about his friends finding out this was never one of them. "I-I am a werewolf" Remus answers as he grips the sheets of the hospital bed trying to keep himself from looking away.

James lets out a little laugh, "You don't say? And here I was thinking you had an allergic reaction to pumpkin juice."

Remus looks up at him he knows James is trying to lighten the mood but lycanthrope isn't a laughing matter, "What do you want me to say?"

Peter finally summons the courage and joins his friends alongside Remus's bed, "Why didn't you tell us the truth, Remus?"

Remus gives a hollow laugh. "Hello there my name is Remus John Lupin and I am a werewolf. I can't wait to share a dorm with you all for the next seven years," he looks at them, "Is that what you expected on the first day?"

James shakes his head, "No I suppose least not on the first day but we're nearing the end of our second year, Remus." Remus nods, "Like I said I was selfish. I had you guys." He looks at each of them for a moment. "You're the first friends I've ever had. The best anyone could ever have. I didn't want to lose you guys once you found that I am a monster."

James, Sirius, and Peter all look at one another then James walks over and puts his hand on Remus's shoulder. Remus flinches slightly at the contact not really sure what to expect from them. "Remus you are a Marauder, not a monster."

Sirius walks up behind James, "He's right Remus. I hate to break it to you but furry little problem or not you're stuck with us." Remus looks up at them not believing what he is hearing.

He searches there faces to see if they are playing some kind of joke on him but he knows that this is one of the few times that they are being completely serious. "But I'm dangerous," Remus blurts out not believing that they have full registered what he is, "I turn into that beast every month. If I came across someone I would kill them." His voice shakes and he stares at his hands as he admits it.

"We've known you for two years Remus and other than the time we stole your potions homework to copy it you've never so much as lifted a finger against us." James nudges him playfully as he says this and gives him a winning smile.

"Yeah, we aren't afraid of you Moony," Sirius adds.

"Moony?" Remus glances at Sirius confused. Sirius grins and laughs, "Well, of course, what other nickname would you use for a fearsome beast such as yourself? After all only a true monster organizes his socks by color the way you do."

Before Remus even realizes it he is laughing which is a good thing because it gives him an excuse for the tears in his eyes. James and Peter join in with him and Remus feels as if he is about to burst with joy. He has the greatest friends anyone could ever ask for.

Remus Lupin: Lone MarauderWhere stories live. Discover now